Wednesday, August 25, 2010

My Fist Campus Experience

Yes! I am going to NAU!!! It’s a huge wonderful, clean, huge, confusing, green, and huge campus! Jeremy is so wonderful! He went with me to see an adviser and to get things figured out because I was nervous about it. We walked all over campus and got pretty lost. At first we were driving everywhere but after we found out that a parking permit is 20 dollars we just decided to walk! We went to the institute building and parked for FREE!

At the institute building we met Br. Leisek the institute director. He was sooo nice! Showed us around and made me feel right at home. It’s going to be my home, away from home, away from home. I’ll probably spend a lot of time there because it’s such a nice place. Everyone was soo nice. I signed up for a D&C class and now I have free parking and free spiritual uplifting! So looking forward to it!

I also found out that I am in 1st ward that meets at 9am. Just my luck! Heehee I still can’t wait!

I have all my classes set and paid for! I feel so much better about everything. Now for some bad news... to enter into the nursing program I will have to pass the HESI 2 exam. It cost $80 bucks! AWW... i'm not a good test taker and this is a big one. I have 5 hours to take it. I already bought the study guide (boy do I need it). The last day I can take the exam is on September 27th. My application to the nursing program has to be in by October 1. Crazy! The adviser told me today that my GPA is great! I have a 3.9 and all I need to do to get a good passing grade on the HESI exam. So here we go! I probably wont blog much after I get my study guide. If I am still blogging, tell me to cut it out and STUDY!! I have one month! I can do this!
Look how green everything is! Had to take a picture and show it to you!

1 comment:

The Cluff's said...

WOW it is pretty there! You do have a really good GPA! I know you will do great on the test! (and if not you know you are there for a reason :) You are doing such a good job on your blog! It is so neat to see everything you experience.