Friday, August 27, 2010

Medical Volunteer Work

Big news!! My life is a roller costar since I moved to Flagstaff! For a girl who doesn't like change I’m having a lot of it right now! After talking with the nursing adviser and finding that I can put my application in to nursing I now have have to do a lot!

For one I’ll be studying for the HESI A2 exam, but I also have medical volunteer hours to do. Jeremy works at the Flagstaff Medical Center and told me I should volunteer there with him. I thought that would be totally awesome, but wasn’t sure if I could apply for volunteering there. It’s a really nice hospital with the best of the best doctors. I put my application in on Wednesday night and by Thursday a lady named Sarah Pena e-mailed me:

Hi! Thank you for your interest in volunteering at FMC. I have received your application and right now I am not able to place you in any of the departments you requested. Do you have any other time/day available that you would like me to check? Please let me know.

thanks, Sarah

Right away I e-mailed her back and said I could do it after 1pm on Mon/Wed and after 4 on Tue/Thur. Today I got an e-mail stating that I got the position on Tue/Thur from 4-6pm working at the main welcome desk! Sarah also attached a test with 50 questions on it that I have to turn in to her. I have to get at least an 84% correct to be able to volunteer; I told you it’s a really nice hospital!

This all happened at 2 o’clock in the afternoon, and when I pull up the available orientation dates and times I saw that the one today at 3’oclock was the only one I could go to since school stats on Monday. So I asked her if I could come to the one today and she said of course…but I didn’t have time to look at the test so I was nervous about that. When I got there she said I could turn it in later. Whew!

At orientation we singed a billion papers and I didn’t really have time to read all that I was agreeing to, bad thing to do, I know, but she was going really fast and I’m sure I wasn’t agreeing to bad stuff. Most of them were about not sharing information you see at the hospital with anyone else. I had to sign stuff for a parking permit, a background check, and other random stuff too. After we finished signing all the papers we went on a tour through the hospital. It was soooo big and sooo confusing. She suggested that we follow along with a map that they gave us but I got totally lost track of where we were. There are 4 floors with so many different hallways and rooms and a billion elevators! My first achievement will be to not get lost! Over all it was amazing and I’m so glad I got in! Yes, I know, it’s only a volunteer job, but I’m going to learn SO much. I should be paying them for all the knowledge I’m going to gain!

So the next step is to get take a TB test and wait for them to get the results before they will give me my parking permit and badge. I made an appointment to take the tb test on Monday at 1:30pm. I’m super duper excited! So crazy!! Never thought all of this would be going on! Anyway I’ll keep you posted. By I can still blog because none of my study guides have come in the mail I can’t study for the HISE exam even if I wanted to (which I DO).

I walked over that bridge!! Such a nice hospital!

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