Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Justin Came!

Justin came and visited me last weekend! I know! What a lucky girl I am! He drove over nine hours to see me! So crazy because we only met 18 days ago! We met on August the 6th at an institute soccer tournament. Justin insisted that he wanted to make sure that I was settled in and safe; he’s really sweet like that. Another reason that he came was because he very rarely has Saturdays off, but last weekend he did! So yeah! Justin got here around 1pm on Saturday and we had fun until the moment he left on Sunday.

When I first met Justin he reminded me a lot of Jeremy. When Jeremy got home from work and they stated talking you could tell they were like two peas in a pod. Erin told me that once she thought Justin was Jeremy! Hilarious! it was on Sunday after Justin had changed into some cargo shorts (the same ones Jeremy wears) but she didn’t go up and hug him or anything, thank goodness! Justin even said that he
and Jeremy had a lot in common.

It could have been awkward having a guy come to see me that I had so recently met, but it wasn’t at all. Justin fit right in with the family and we did the same kind of stuff we always do. Kenrda loved having his attention and talked with him much more than she talks to any of us. They played connect 4 together over and Over and OVER!

One of the things we decided to do was to go geochashing! There was one that was really close to us just down the street and there was another cash that was about a mile away from the house. Since it was so nice outside on Saturday we decided just to walk. We looked and looked for the first one and never found it. We didn’t give up though; we just decided to look for the next one. The 2nd one was a lot further away than we thought and we were totally hiking by the time we got there. We had to go through fields, climb boulders, cross roads and hop over fences. It was quite an adventure. The sad part was when we finally got to the top of the hill (we were so close) his phone died!! Good-bye GPS! So we ended up not finding either cashes, but we both had a lot of fun. We went exploring and that was on my list of things to do! We found this little cave thing; it was totally awesome!
Guess what this is! I bet you’ll never guess right.. It’s a Dr pepper bottle cap seal. Yeah! Justin made one for me! All you have to do is find a bottle cap seal that you can take out, fold it in half, bit a little hole in it, pull, and voila! You’ve made yourself a cool bracelet! We’ll see how long it last for!
Another really fun thing we did together was squash pennies on the train tracks! Justin used to do it all the time on his mission and I never had before. It was a little scary making sure no police saw us doing it but we were safe and had a lot of fun doing it.

After Justin left on Sunday he said he felt bad because he had only spent seven cents on the penny squashing. I was totally happy with that!! Plus he spent enough on gas getting her and going home. It was a perfect weekend even though we didn’t go out and do the typical “date” things.
Aww! This shows how kind and thoughtful Justin is! He bought this bamboo for me as a house-warming gift. Lol, I love it! It looks so pretty in my new room! Thanks Justin! It's so pretty!

This is on Sunday after we got home from church! We put the kids down for their naps and we played settlers of catan. The game was close in the end; we were all a few points away from winning. Jeremy won! We had fun!
Overall it was a great weekend with a really great guy! Thanks so much for everything Justin!

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