Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Getting A Bed!

I got here Wednesday and on Thursday I decided I wanted to get myself a bed! We started looking at thrift stores around town and it was going nowhere! All the bed we saw were either gross or way too expensive. We still had a lot of fun shopping around. Erin wanted to find some snow boots for Kendra. Sadly, these were all we found. They weren't exactly snow boots but she was way cute!

After finding nothing at the thrift stores I decided to look on craigslist and try my luck on there. I found a lot of beds that would of worked great and they were pretty cheap. I was super excited when I found a waterbed!! Yes, I would love to have a waterbed! So I called the lady with the waterbed first and left a message asking if we could come see the bed. Then I started calling and e-mailing asking about all the other twin beds that were posted. No one was answering their phone and some didn’t even have a number to call so I had to e-mail them.
It wasn’t long until I got a call from a girl named Alexa. She was selling her twin bed for $75 and said we could see it any time. So after Julia and Kendra woke up from their naps Erin and I decided to go. She lived in the “Forest Meadows” apartments and we didn’t really know where they were, but we both said we could just ask someone for directions on the way. It turned out that we couldn’t find them at all. We probably looked for 20 minutes before we found the apartments (we were both too chicken to ask for directions). Once we found the actually apartments we had to find her building. All we knew was that it was # 211. Erin was holding Julia and I was Holding Kendra and we’re walking all over looking. You think they would all be labeled and it would be pretty easy to find. Wrong! It took us another 10-15 minutes to find the right building; her building didn’t have the numbers on it like the others ones did! We didn’t find it until we went into the office and looked at a map on the wall.
To are disgust we found that we had walked past it several times already! So we find the apartments, the right building, and the right door and guess what! She wasn’t home! Luckily though there was a guy there that said he could show the bed to us. It was nice and Erin and I were both done with searching for a bed so I bought it! Of course Alexa lived on the 2nd floor so we had to carry everything down the stairs and to the car…ugg.
It only takes a few trips to get everything to the car. I got the mattress down and Erin comes with both girls in her arms. Then we had to get everything in. Looking back, it was amazing we did it all!
Right after we got everything in the car guess who called me! The lady with the waterbed! Just my luck! We found out later that you can't have a waterbed on the 2nd floor anyway...so it all worked out.
Isn't it pretty? I love it!

Cutest baby girl ever! She's 6 months old!

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