Monday, August 30, 2010

I feel so blessed today. My testimony is bursting out of me! I love the gospel. What blessing I have because of my membership. My wonderful family is sealed together forever. I can be seal to my future family forever. I know how to pray to my Heavenly Father. I know that my prayers are answered! I am so blessed to have the companionship of the Holy Ghost, and to never fear because I know I’m watched over and guided. I’m so blessed to have Hannah, Justin, and CJ (Elder Moore) all my wonderful friends that support me. I don’t know what’s come over me today, but I feel so much closer to my Heavenly Father. I know why I’m here. I have a purpose. I love my life! Even the trials and my weaknesses I have I’m so grateful for. Getting through them and working hard has made me stronger.Today was my first time at the university 1st ward here in Flagstaff. It was sure different, but the same as well. I felt very welcomed and loved. I can’t wait to get to know these amazing sisters that I already look up to so much. My bishop, Bishop Walton, is amazing. I felt how much he cared about all of us and he doesn’t even know me. My heart is full, I don’t know why, I’m just so grateful for everything. I hope you can tell through my words how strong my testimony is today. It’s grown. I’m crying, but not because i'm sad, but because I’m so thankful. It’s hard to describe. Change and challenges are so good! Really! It helps you realize how much our heavenly father does in all of our lives. I know he has had a hand in every success in my life. Boy, will he be in the things to come. There’s no way I could do all this new stuff with out knowing that he’s there for me, that he loves me, that he wants me to succeed. When you turn to the Lord, he’s always there. I have a testimony of that.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Medical Volunteer Work

Big news!! My life is a roller costar since I moved to Flagstaff! For a girl who doesn't like change I’m having a lot of it right now! After talking with the nursing adviser and finding that I can put my application in to nursing I now have have to do a lot!

For one I’ll be studying for the HESI A2 exam, but I also have medical volunteer hours to do. Jeremy works at the Flagstaff Medical Center and told me I should volunteer there with him. I thought that would be totally awesome, but wasn’t sure if I could apply for volunteering there. It’s a really nice hospital with the best of the best doctors. I put my application in on Wednesday night and by Thursday a lady named Sarah Pena e-mailed me:

Hi! Thank you for your interest in volunteering at FMC. I have received your application and right now I am not able to place you in any of the departments you requested. Do you have any other time/day available that you would like me to check? Please let me know.

thanks, Sarah

Right away I e-mailed her back and said I could do it after 1pm on Mon/Wed and after 4 on Tue/Thur. Today I got an e-mail stating that I got the position on Tue/Thur from 4-6pm working at the main welcome desk! Sarah also attached a test with 50 questions on it that I have to turn in to her. I have to get at least an 84% correct to be able to volunteer; I told you it’s a really nice hospital!

This all happened at 2 o’clock in the afternoon, and when I pull up the available orientation dates and times I saw that the one today at 3’oclock was the only one I could go to since school stats on Monday. So I asked her if I could come to the one today and she said of course…but I didn’t have time to look at the test so I was nervous about that. When I got there she said I could turn it in later. Whew!

At orientation we singed a billion papers and I didn’t really have time to read all that I was agreeing to, bad thing to do, I know, but she was going really fast and I’m sure I wasn’t agreeing to bad stuff. Most of them were about not sharing information you see at the hospital with anyone else. I had to sign stuff for a parking permit, a background check, and other random stuff too. After we finished signing all the papers we went on a tour through the hospital. It was soooo big and sooo confusing. She suggested that we follow along with a map that they gave us but I got totally lost track of where we were. There are 4 floors with so many different hallways and rooms and a billion elevators! My first achievement will be to not get lost! Over all it was amazing and I’m so glad I got in! Yes, I know, it’s only a volunteer job, but I’m going to learn SO much. I should be paying them for all the knowledge I’m going to gain!

So the next step is to get take a TB test and wait for them to get the results before they will give me my parking permit and badge. I made an appointment to take the tb test on Monday at 1:30pm. I’m super duper excited! So crazy!! Never thought all of this would be going on! Anyway I’ll keep you posted. By I can still blog because none of my study guides have come in the mail I can’t study for the HISE exam even if I wanted to (which I DO).

I walked over that bridge!! Such a nice hospital!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Big Exam

Guess what! I did it! I just called in and paied the 80 dollars to take the HESI A2 exam on September 27th at 10am. I'll have to miss my PSY 240 class, but i think the teacher will understand. pray for me! I'm going to need all the help i can get to pass.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Bath Time! ....for the kids of course=]

Thought I would share the joy! Look at these cute girls! I love them!

You can't tell in the pictures but both girls are getting sick. They both have runny noses and Erin said she's been waking up with a sore throat in the morning. Please oh please don't let me get sick right before school starts!

My Fist Campus Experience

Yes! I am going to NAU!!! It’s a huge wonderful, clean, huge, confusing, green, and huge campus! Jeremy is so wonderful! He went with me to see an adviser and to get things figured out because I was nervous about it. We walked all over campus and got pretty lost. At first we were driving everywhere but after we found out that a parking permit is 20 dollars we just decided to walk! We went to the institute building and parked for FREE!

At the institute building we met Br. Leisek the institute director. He was sooo nice! Showed us around and made me feel right at home. It’s going to be my home, away from home, away from home. I’ll probably spend a lot of time there because it’s such a nice place. Everyone was soo nice. I signed up for a D&C class and now I have free parking and free spiritual uplifting! So looking forward to it!

I also found out that I am in 1st ward that meets at 9am. Just my luck! Heehee I still can’t wait!

I have all my classes set and paid for! I feel so much better about everything. Now for some bad news... to enter into the nursing program I will have to pass the HESI 2 exam. It cost $80 bucks! AWW... i'm not a good test taker and this is a big one. I have 5 hours to take it. I already bought the study guide (boy do I need it). The last day I can take the exam is on September 27th. My application to the nursing program has to be in by October 1. Crazy! The adviser told me today that my GPA is great! I have a 3.9 and all I need to do to get a good passing grade on the HESI exam. So here we go! I probably wont blog much after I get my study guide. If I am still blogging, tell me to cut it out and STUDY!! I have one month! I can do this!
Look how green everything is! Had to take a picture and show it to you!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Flagstaff Mall

Today we went to the Flagstaff mall! Jeremy had the day off and Kendra needed to use up some of her energy. Didn't buy anything, but had fun looking!

She was dancing, running, and rolling all over the place! I don't know how kids have so much energy!

Sunday Evening

After Justin left the girls were being soooooooooooooo cute! They were laughing and laughing! So happy to be here with them!

Justin Came!

Justin came and visited me last weekend! I know! What a lucky girl I am! He drove over nine hours to see me! So crazy because we only met 18 days ago! We met on August the 6th at an institute soccer tournament. Justin insisted that he wanted to make sure that I was settled in and safe; he’s really sweet like that. Another reason that he came was because he very rarely has Saturdays off, but last weekend he did! So yeah! Justin got here around 1pm on Saturday and we had fun until the moment he left on Sunday.

When I first met Justin he reminded me a lot of Jeremy. When Jeremy got home from work and they stated talking you could tell they were like two peas in a pod. Erin told me that once she thought Justin was Jeremy! Hilarious! it was on Sunday after Justin had changed into some cargo shorts (the same ones Jeremy wears) but she didn’t go up and hug him or anything, thank goodness! Justin even said that he
and Jeremy had a lot in common.

It could have been awkward having a guy come to see me that I had so recently met, but it wasn’t at all. Justin fit right in with the family and we did the same kind of stuff we always do. Kenrda loved having his attention and talked with him much more than she talks to any of us. They played connect 4 together over and Over and OVER!

One of the things we decided to do was to go geochashing! There was one that was really close to us just down the street and there was another cash that was about a mile away from the house. Since it was so nice outside on Saturday we decided just to walk. We looked and looked for the first one and never found it. We didn’t give up though; we just decided to look for the next one. The 2nd one was a lot further away than we thought and we were totally hiking by the time we got there. We had to go through fields, climb boulders, cross roads and hop over fences. It was quite an adventure. The sad part was when we finally got to the top of the hill (we were so close) his phone died!! Good-bye GPS! So we ended up not finding either cashes, but we both had a lot of fun. We went exploring and that was on my list of things to do! We found this little cave thing; it was totally awesome!
Guess what this is! I bet you’ll never guess right.. It’s a Dr pepper bottle cap seal. Yeah! Justin made one for me! All you have to do is find a bottle cap seal that you can take out, fold it in half, bit a little hole in it, pull, and voila! You’ve made yourself a cool bracelet! We’ll see how long it last for!
Another really fun thing we did together was squash pennies on the train tracks! Justin used to do it all the time on his mission and I never had before. It was a little scary making sure no police saw us doing it but we were safe and had a lot of fun doing it.

After Justin left on Sunday he said he felt bad because he had only spent seven cents on the penny squashing. I was totally happy with that!! Plus he spent enough on gas getting her and going home. It was a perfect weekend even though we didn’t go out and do the typical “date” things.
Aww! This shows how kind and thoughtful Justin is! He bought this bamboo for me as a house-warming gift. Lol, I love it! It looks so pretty in my new room! Thanks Justin! It's so pretty!

This is on Sunday after we got home from church! We put the kids down for their naps and we played settlers of catan. The game was close in the end; we were all a few points away from winning. Jeremy won! We had fun!
Overall it was a great weekend with a really great guy! Thanks so much for everything Justin!

Getting A Bed!

I got here Wednesday and on Thursday I decided I wanted to get myself a bed! We started looking at thrift stores around town and it was going nowhere! All the bed we saw were either gross or way too expensive. We still had a lot of fun shopping around. Erin wanted to find some snow boots for Kendra. Sadly, these were all we found. They weren't exactly snow boots but she was way cute!

After finding nothing at the thrift stores I decided to look on craigslist and try my luck on there. I found a lot of beds that would of worked great and they were pretty cheap. I was super excited when I found a waterbed!! Yes, I would love to have a waterbed! So I called the lady with the waterbed first and left a message asking if we could come see the bed. Then I started calling and e-mailing asking about all the other twin beds that were posted. No one was answering their phone and some didn’t even have a number to call so I had to e-mail them.
It wasn’t long until I got a call from a girl named Alexa. She was selling her twin bed for $75 and said we could see it any time. So after Julia and Kendra woke up from their naps Erin and I decided to go. She lived in the “Forest Meadows” apartments and we didn’t really know where they were, but we both said we could just ask someone for directions on the way. It turned out that we couldn’t find them at all. We probably looked for 20 minutes before we found the apartments (we were both too chicken to ask for directions). Once we found the actually apartments we had to find her building. All we knew was that it was # 211. Erin was holding Julia and I was Holding Kendra and we’re walking all over looking. You think they would all be labeled and it would be pretty easy to find. Wrong! It took us another 10-15 minutes to find the right building; her building didn’t have the numbers on it like the others ones did! We didn’t find it until we went into the office and looked at a map on the wall.
To are disgust we found that we had walked past it several times already! So we find the apartments, the right building, and the right door and guess what! She wasn’t home! Luckily though there was a guy there that said he could show the bed to us. It was nice and Erin and I were both done with searching for a bed so I bought it! Of course Alexa lived on the 2nd floor so we had to carry everything down the stairs and to the car…ugg.
It only takes a few trips to get everything to the car. I got the mattress down and Erin comes with both girls in her arms. Then we had to get everything in. Looking back, it was amazing we did it all!
Right after we got everything in the car guess who called me! The lady with the waterbed! Just my luck! We found out later that you can't have a waterbed on the 2nd floor it all worked out.
Isn't it pretty? I love it!

Cutest baby girl ever! She's 6 months old!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Getting Settled With The Englers

Guess what!! I made it!! =)=)
I made it up to Flagstaff in my very own amazing car! I stopped once for gas, but had no car problems at all.
Thank you, My car!
I love it here with the Englers!
I think I’ll stay as long as I can, and NEVER move out.
I could never find any cuter or more fun roommates anywhere.


Getting Ready

I thought it would be a good thing to start packing a week before I had to leave to Flagstaff. My “being on top of things” kind of backfired when it left my room a disaster. I had enough time to start packing and pull everything out, but I didn’t ever have enough time to get it all put away and packed. So for the last week at home my room was the dirtiest it’s ever been before.
It killed me to have a room so dirty! Just look at my face! Luckily my face has gone back to normal since I got it clean. Whew!

Ask anyone! Kylee, Riley, Georgia, and of course Mom and Dad they all saw it… how embarrassing! I truly am one to have a clean room, never never as dirty as it got. It was so hard to find stuff and very hard to move around (for me, very irritating). Most nights I almost killed myself trying to go to the bathroom or turn over the tape (not to mention the night I climbed in through the window).
Cleanliness is next to Godliness! I believe it wholeheartedly. KEEP YOUR ROOM CLEAN. It’ll make you happy! and Safe! =)

Starting Up My Blog Again!

There are going to be so many new fun adventures here in Flagstaff and I want to share all of them! I thought starting my blog again would be the easiest way to do that. So here goes nothing.