Sunday, April 22, 2012

Week of April 15th

Hello Friends and Family!
This week has been a pretty easy week! Cray huh? Exams were pushed back, clinicals turned out amazing and life is great! 18 more days till school is over and I still don't know what's going to go down after that. 

This week during clinicals at the hospital I was assigned to follow the PICC nurse! It was AMAZING! I got there and she was in the middle of one of her sterile procedures. I threw on a hat, gloves and a mask and just watched! What the PICC nurse does it put a tubing in either the brachial and basilic vein up the arm to the heart.  

        (The actual tubing they use and the ultrasound picture) 

She uses some local anesthetics and also has someone from the radiology team come up and take an x-ray to confirm the placement of the tube (sometimes it can go up the jugular vein towards the brain…bad!) Anyway, Ester was her name and she accidentally got the tubing in the ARTERY!!! She pulled out the placement thing and you could see blood pumping out every time his heart beat. It was insane! She quickly pulled it out and started holding pressure. She was then one handed and couldn’t get the things she needed SO she asked me to come over and hold pressure. Seems like a silly thing, but just that I was there to help and see all this go down was pretty special. Ester said that she had been doing this procedure for 6 years and has never made that mistake. I hope I wasn’t the bad luck…

Our next pt was a heavy set lady that needed antibiotics through this PICC line. We start getting all sterile and again she has a lot of problems. The excess skin was in the way and she couldn’t get it in the vein. She then looks at me and asked me to help! I get under the sterile sheets and pull on her arm to flatten the skin and we successfully got it in after that. I loved helping and I learned so much. After this patient Ester decided that was enough for one day. She was having an off day I guess.. and was pretty tried and fatigue. So she went home and I started following a guy that was the house relief guy. He wasn’t assigned to any area in the hospital but had a pager and responded to anyone that needed him. That was super fun because all the STAT pt’s we got to take care of. I think I’ll thrive in the ER or ICU.
Anyway we helped get a pt to a STAT CT scan because he was having a brain hemorrhage. It was crazy; after that we did some more IV’s and that was the night. We got done around 10:30pm and I was so wide-awake! Such an adrenaline rush when you work in the hospital!

I was super excited a bout being with the PICC nurse because at Forest canyon Endoscopy I was told that my technique while putting in IV was superb and that I’ll be one of the nurses that goes around and puts in all the IV’s that other nurses can’t get! I put in 7 or 8 IV’s and I didn’t miss a single one. Really a great compliment, I was so happy.

So… here’s my situation with the summer.

I’ve applied to lots of jobs here in Flagstaff to places like Forest canyon Endoscopy and mountain heart and of course the hospital (all of which I have worked at for clinicals and LOVE), but I haven’t’ heard back from anyone. They say within 10 days but ….yeah.

On the other hand I have talked to both bosses in Tucson at the Y and with Homewatch CareGivers and they know when I’m going to be home and they’ll have shifts for me to take. I just hope it’s not another crazy summer that I don’t really make much money but I feel like I’m working every hour of every day. I really need to relax.

So I’ll keep you posted! I also have my best friend coming home!! CJ will be home in July. I also am super excited for Tricia’s wedding on June 2. I also want to see this crazy huge dog that we own now! PLUS I miss you all in Tucson, so I’m leading towards coming home, but if I get a good job that won’t overuse me should I stay? …..difficult choices….  Anyway! I love you all! See you in 18 days (maybe..)  =)

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