Sunday, April 29, 2012

What A Week!

The week went by super fast and thank goodness for that! I am so ready to be done with tests… I’m excited to lifeguard again andjust sit and get paid for it! I can’t wait to be home with Mom and Dad, I can’twait to have fun with Riley, Georgia, April & Aric, Tyler & Kylee, Ryan & Kimberly, and all the other kidos! 2 More weeks!!! And I’ll have gotten A’s in all my classes. I just can’t wait. Anyway, this week I had exams, and clinicals and presentations but that all seems boring to talk about… I guess it’s becoming old news to me. I did go to a dance this week! It was fun, I got asked to dance a lot and that always makes you feel special. I hung out with my girlfriends, played her at home with Julia and Kendra, and I went on a hike!

 It was going to be just a run, to get some exercise but once you get going I just don’t want to stop. Anyway I hiked up the Mt.Elden trail. 
I use mapmyrun so you can see exactly how long and how far I ran! I love using this app! Try the ED fly over feature on the top right corner of the map! it's it's awesome! 
 If you guys are ever in Flagstaff we should do it together because it’s a nice challenging hike. Defiantly one to bring water and such… but when it’s a spur of a moment thing you just hope there’s some snow at the top! Luckily for me thre was!! blessings!

So Erin and Jeremy are living this afternoon for Disney  Land and wont be back till the 9thlate late. I’m going to be sooo lonely! But it’ll be good because I will be crazy with finals the next two weeks anyways. Well that’s what’s going down here in Flagstaff. 

I also just made the best pasta salad! Or I think so...  Can't go on a trip without pasta salad! We see if Erin and Jeremy like it.... I feel like maybe I do have some of Dad's cooking genes! Okay. I’m going to church! Love you!!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Week of April 15th

Hello Friends and Family!
This week has been a pretty easy week! Cray huh? Exams were pushed back, clinicals turned out amazing and life is great! 18 more days till school is over and I still don't know what's going to go down after that. 

This week during clinicals at the hospital I was assigned to follow the PICC nurse! It was AMAZING! I got there and she was in the middle of one of her sterile procedures. I threw on a hat, gloves and a mask and just watched! What the PICC nurse does it put a tubing in either the brachial and basilic vein up the arm to the heart.  

        (The actual tubing they use and the ultrasound picture) 

She uses some local anesthetics and also has someone from the radiology team come up and take an x-ray to confirm the placement of the tube (sometimes it can go up the jugular vein towards the brain…bad!) Anyway, Ester was her name and she accidentally got the tubing in the ARTERY!!! She pulled out the placement thing and you could see blood pumping out every time his heart beat. It was insane! She quickly pulled it out and started holding pressure. She was then one handed and couldn’t get the things she needed SO she asked me to come over and hold pressure. Seems like a silly thing, but just that I was there to help and see all this go down was pretty special. Ester said that she had been doing this procedure for 6 years and has never made that mistake. I hope I wasn’t the bad luck…

Our next pt was a heavy set lady that needed antibiotics through this PICC line. We start getting all sterile and again she has a lot of problems. The excess skin was in the way and she couldn’t get it in the vein. She then looks at me and asked me to help! I get under the sterile sheets and pull on her arm to flatten the skin and we successfully got it in after that. I loved helping and I learned so much. After this patient Ester decided that was enough for one day. She was having an off day I guess.. and was pretty tried and fatigue. So she went home and I started following a guy that was the house relief guy. He wasn’t assigned to any area in the hospital but had a pager and responded to anyone that needed him. That was super fun because all the STAT pt’s we got to take care of. I think I’ll thrive in the ER or ICU.
Anyway we helped get a pt to a STAT CT scan because he was having a brain hemorrhage. It was crazy; after that we did some more IV’s and that was the night. We got done around 10:30pm and I was so wide-awake! Such an adrenaline rush when you work in the hospital!

I was super excited a bout being with the PICC nurse because at Forest canyon Endoscopy I was told that my technique while putting in IV was superb and that I’ll be one of the nurses that goes around and puts in all the IV’s that other nurses can’t get! I put in 7 or 8 IV’s and I didn’t miss a single one. Really a great compliment, I was so happy.

So… here’s my situation with the summer.

I’ve applied to lots of jobs here in Flagstaff to places like Forest canyon Endoscopy and mountain heart and of course the hospital (all of which I have worked at for clinicals and LOVE), but I haven’t’ heard back from anyone. They say within 10 days but ….yeah.

On the other hand I have talked to both bosses in Tucson at the Y and with Homewatch CareGivers and they know when I’m going to be home and they’ll have shifts for me to take. I just hope it’s not another crazy summer that I don’t really make much money but I feel like I’m working every hour of every day. I really need to relax.

So I’ll keep you posted! I also have my best friend coming home!! CJ will be home in July. I also am super excited for Tricia’s wedding on June 2. I also want to see this crazy huge dog that we own now! PLUS I miss you all in Tucson, so I’m leading towards coming home, but if I get a good job that won’t overuse me should I stay? …..difficult choices….  Anyway! I love you all! See you in 18 days (maybe..)  =)

Nap time......or not?

Fun with the Englers! 
Julia is escaping!!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Snow snow and more Snow!!! 

Busy Busy Busy

So this week was busy busy busy as we ALL are these days!
3 exams back to back on Thursday which means Wednesday I did nothing but study all day. Stayed up Wednesday night till around 12 am then woke up on Thursday morning around 4am. Went through classes from 8am – 5pm and then Friday I got up at 5am and went to a little community health/business fair that I had signed up to volunteer at. I took blood pressures with my sphygmomanometer all morning. Probably took over 200 blood pressure readings. I feel confident with that skill now! =)
Anyway, I met so many cool people. One old man came to get his BP taken and his eyes were crazy!!! One eye was looking straight at me and one was looking to the left. It was the craziest thing I had even seen. So of course I said, “I don’t mean to be rude, but what’s up with your eyes?” lol he was happy to share that when he was a kid he had had a surgery done to fix his double vision and things went wrong. Now he has trained his brain to be able to use either eye he wants; so he could look at me or the vending machine to our left without turning his head!!! Crazy! That was an awesome experience.
There also were a lot of really high blood pressures. We’re talking hypertension readings. All I could do was ask if they had seen their doctor recently and encourage them to make an appointment because there blood pressure was high.
Since it was a health fair they had a company called mountain heart that was doing free 12 lead EKG’s. I got in on that and had a perfectly normal heart scan. But it was crazy because out of 50 people that they tested only TWO had normal EKG readings…and I was one of them… it was crazy how many people had health problems and had no idea and lived like all the rest of us. Everything was free so we had people coming from off the streets and stuff.
They were also doing free blood tests to check for HIV and STDs and stuff. They had all sorts of health tests and health tips. It was way cool! Wish you could have been there.
Anyway that got over with at around 1pm and I went home and got some lunch, changed my scrubs into my school outfit, and then went to the hospital for my clinical at 2:30pm. Boy did I see some crazy stuff!! Absolutely crazy!  We had one lady come in because her neck and jaw was hurting, not because her ear was hanging by a thread! Her ear was actually infected causing her neck and jaw to hurt but she didn’t even come in for stitches or anything like that! I guess she had been in a fight with some other girl and, trust me, the other girl own! She had bite marks all over her arms, but her ear was really going to fall off if she hadn’t of come in.

Another pt had been drinking for the past two days and then decided to do some car work. He jacked up his truck and some how left it in neutral and it rolled on top of him. His family found him 3 hours later and they took him to the emergency room. The truck was running so he had burns all up and down his body, he had some broken bones, and he was a mess!

There were so many crazy pt’s that evening. And I could go on and on!

Another pt had tried to commit suicide and drank draino. The stuff that unclogged your plumbing… yeah… he drank a whole bottle and it burned all of his insides. Just the stuff that he threw up burned his arms pretty bad. I can’t even imagine the pain he must have been in with all his insides on fire. He was vomiting black insides the whole time I was there. Poor guy. That was sad.

Anther pt had esophageal varices, which means that he’s arteries in his esophagus were going to burst any time and he was going to bleed out and die. There was nothing the doctors could do except for transfuse more blood into him. Which was not what anyone wanted to do because I guess the hospital was short on blood.. and he was going to die no matter what, but then you can’t just explain that to the family and not do anything. There are so many ethical dilemmas in the hospital.

Another pt I took care was an old lady. Everyone was thinking that she was abused…which made me feel so much worse for her. She had come in with a broken hip, had surgery, and had gone home. Then she came back again with another broken hip on the opposite side. They said she slipped in the shower but when the ambulance got there she was comply dressed…so they were looking into that. This poor lady though; anything you did hurt her. We had to turn her every 15 minutes so she didn’t develop bed sores (pressure ulcers) and that caused her so much pain. It’s heart wrenching! In just that one afternoon/evening I spent caring for her I loved her. Fed her dinner, helped with an IV insertion, gave her pills, checked her wounds, did an assessment on her; did a lot with her!

We finally got done on the floors at 9:30pm and went to have our post conference. That’s when everyone says how their experience went and what they learned. It took almost an hour and when it was my turn to share. I guess my emotions were running really high…or because of the lack of sleep… I don’t know, but I was laughing and tears were falling and I KNOW my face was bright red because I could feel it. It was so embarrassing. The thing was that I was telling a funny story about how I was trying to get dentures in for one pt before dinner came and I could not for the life of me get them to fit in. I guess one other nursing student walked by the room as I was doing this and thought it was pretty funny which I’m sure it was for her. Anyway, I had said how at the beginning of clinicals it was hard because even things I knew I could do like feed a pt went totally wrong. Then jesses says, “You should have seen her!” “Her face was like this close to the pt’s face and …bla bla bla”. Anyway that’s what started me laughing and that cracked me. I couldn’t stop and I was a mess. But we finished up and I got myself home safe. Took a shower (…nasty germs get all over you at clinicals…or that’s how I fell at least). And then I went to bed! Crazy huh?
Saturday I did absolutely NO schoolwork! Mauahaha. I have all a’s thus far and I only have 4 more weeks till finals…so unless I really screw up I’ll pass all my classes no problem; even if I don’t study on Saturday…right? I hope So!

Anyway, life is good here; in all aspects! Social, spiritual, physical, everything is just working out. Time is flying, and I couldn’t be more happy!

I love you All!!

General Conference weekend!

Came home for conference!!
 Scott came to the Saturday sessions with us at the stake center. Loved sitting with him listening to our prophets! (in the picture I bet i'm thinking "....not supposed to be taking pictures in the chapel..." ) 
 Got to babysit for Tyler and Kylee again! What a lucky Aunt i am! 
 Little Kenneth is the most adorable boy you'll ever see!! 
 I loves these pictures! They show's how hard we party! lol what a mess and what a happy family!

 Kids playing in the back room! no adult supervision....what? lol 

Ryan making his famous cookies with Grace's help!  We love you Ryan! 
Guess who is NOT afraid of needles anymore?!?! ME! I concurred my fear! Did you hear that Riley? i can now give you your shots! muahaha! 
 Becky and Amy are both wonderful girls! They are twins and are LDS in my nursing class! Super fun, huh?
 Me getting poked

 poked, poked, and more pokes
This is the instructor showing what not to do. lol, she accidentally dropped the sterile saline lock and had to wait till we could get another one ready while poor Amy is bleeding out. Blood got all over the floor and on her shoes. Good thing I had prayed before class because that really would have scared me to death.

Spring Break

YAYAY!! I'm home for spring break!! How wonderful it is to be home again. I love my sisters Georgia and Riley so much! We have So much fun together.
 I got to babysit Addi and Grace on Saturday! Not surprised that Grace knew just how to take pictures! 
 Playing barbies
 I also was pretty excited to see Scott again. He's growing more and more handsome every time i see him! 
 We went on a really fun date to see the Lorax in the theaters and then played arcade games! super duper fun!! anyway!! 

My sister Kimberly is in the hospital and invited me to be there for however long i want and i am SUPER excited for that! TMC is a really nice hospital and i can't wait to see the new baby!

i will keep you posted on more fun activities through the week! 

Easter Weekend

I have so much to show you all! Over Easter weekend, Jacy, Ben, and I decided to drive down to the Easter pageant! It was a marvelous ideas and we had sooooo much fun! 
(The pictures aren't that good because it was dark and I was taking it with my phone..) 
 Surprise!!!! Scott drove up with Tricia and Jon just to see ME!! oh...and the pageant. It was so good to see them! I really do love Scott and Tricia and Jon! 
 This is Nikki and Ben. Nikki is in Yuma this semester doing nursing. She is the most amazing girl ever!! 
 Scott and I. So happy to be together again. 
 Nikki and I

 On our way home! 
 We gave Ashton a ride home from Mesa and he sang with his guitar the whole time. it's was very sweet! 
 Sunday, before Erin and Jeremy got back from Mesa I went over to Jacy's house for Easter dinner. Jacy has an amazing family! I especially liked that her mom is a runner! She runs 8, 10 miles everyday and loves it. It’s not exercise to her; it's alone personal time that makes her look fabulous! I decided that I’m going to be a runner all my life! It’s so healthy, and feels great! It's kept me sane this semester with school! Anyway, Jacy has this amazing swing in the biggest tree right behind her house. 
 We had a lot of fun swinging together

Can I just say how much i love my life?? I do, I do!