Sunday, June 7, 2009

Sleepover Disaster

Riley had asked Taylor Lewis to come over on Friday and spend the night till Saturday.

Well of Friday Riley and I went to Sally Beauty Suplies and saw that there were hair curlers ( you know the ones that you put in when your hair is wet and in the morning your hair isdry and curly). I had been wanting them since Erin took ours. So I got them and we decided that we would do them that night at our sleepover with Taylor. that nigth Taylor and I had Riley put them in our hair. The next morning wewoke up to this.......


We went caving with the YW in the ward. Bishop Haymore loves to go caving with his boys and so he asked if we would want to go.

this is me TRYING to climb up this wall because we have to go down the wall to get into this other cave to get out.
there was this really tiny hole that you climb through. The bishop, Patricia, and I decided to go back up through the whole again.

Patricia Cluff, Riley Cluff, Talor Lewis, and Kimberly Beckert

Friday, February 13, 2009


The Road Show went pretty good!
I really thought it was going to be a lot worse than it was... and I wasn't all that excited for it. But……

It was an all day event a
nd there were a few memorable moments I will never forget. One was when Bekah and I tried to get this huge donkey out of the curtains and busted up the ears and Bekah got so frustrated. It was stressful then but it’s funny now. Or when our
flower shop flew out of the back of Karly’s truck, and landed in the middle of the road we had to go run and get it as fast as we could, because it was right in the way of a city buss. Lol, we ended up taking it to the closest dumpster and leaving it there. We had really hurt arms, covered with bruises after driving the whole time with bro. Jones and hitting each other for doubles, slug bugs, and anything else we wanted. We also got to eat pizza, and play football with CJ, and the best part for me was the AFTER cast party! After everything was done, we had lots of ice cream and toppings. We played card games and had a blast till about 11… kinda late but it was worth it!!

Stressful in the beginning, but ended great!

Today I got up at 3:30! I had to take my first math exam… Math 151 is the hardest math class I’ve taken so. It makes sense because it a higher level of math, but I never expected it to be this complicated and time consuming. It takes so long to finish just one problem. Anyways I spent my entire morning studying and working through problems and getting ready to take the test at Pima. It was… 9am when I finally decided I was as ready as I was going to get! I took a shower and got dressed, didn’t do anything with my hair and went to take the test. I was so nervous… I got into the testing center and the first problem I couldn’t remember how to do. My hands were shaking the whole time. I was in the little hot testing room for about 4 hours. I got all the problems answered and I think (I hope) I did all right. I was so ready to be done when I came to the end that I could hardly concentrate on finishing the last problem.

When I was done I walked out and was sweaty, shaky, red faced, and felt like crying. Luckily I turned around and saw that CJ was sitting right behind me on the lower common computers, smiling really big. He had been waiting for me to be finished, “for only a little bit” he said, but I think it was longer than just a little bit. I was so happy to see him, and so grateful that he was there! I had to do one more thing before I left pima and that was to drop my psychology class. I had talked to mom while studying math and we had decided that it would be a good idea to drop it. So I went straight to the advising booth/computer and asked to drop it!! You wouldn’t even believe how much pressure was lifted by just 5min of sitting with an adviser. Earlier I made a list of all the things I needed to get done, and the due dates of everything, and I had about 10 things that I had to get done by Wednesday for psychology. Thankfully I can cross them all off now. HALLELUJAH!

So after that CJ was still there with me, and I invited him to come home with me, and help me make something for seminary. We were having our valentines day party and Bro. Rutherford had asked us to bring something sweet to share. I called home and mom asked about how the test went and said it would be fine if CJ came over. We got home and I tried to decide whether we should try to bake cookies, or make muddy buddies instead. While I was searching around, CJ somehow got pulled into doing punctuation with Georgia and Mom. I don’t know if he especially wanted to, but he sat there and did it with them. Whenever I came over, he was actually getting into all the I sub I and I, c/c I and all the different rules they were doing.

We went to seminary and played pool, and everyone loved the muddy buddies, that made me happy. Riley wanted to stop at Fry’s on the way home and of course we had to stop and star at all my favorite places: the candy, chocolate isle, the pencils and school stuff, and the clips and smelly lotion. We got home and April was over with all the kids! CJ brought all his little hot wheels/racecars out and Dallen had a blast playing with him.

CJ had to go to work at 4 and Mom made me go workout with her. I really wanted to take a nap, but I’m glad I went with her after all. It felt really good to workout. Anyways not much has happened after all that, but I am so happy to have less to do now, and that I got to have some fun today.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Dead Car!

I never knew fixing a car was soooo time consuming until I actually tried to fix one. On January 17 I spent all day working on my car with Bro. Deverauxe, and it was good at the beginning. We got the engine to turn, and we thought everything was going to work fine, but that was not the big problem after all. Long story short we tried to check everything and fiddles with all the parts, but in the end... a part of the engine pushed it’s way out the side of the engine and it’s a dead car now… it’s really a BIG bummer because I thought I was going to be able to drive it to school and back this semester, but it looks like either I pay for gas in the van or get a bus pass. I don’t know what’s the best idea but oh well. I learned a lot about an engine though, so it wasn’t all a waste of time.

Temple trip

Yesterday was our Stake Temple trip, and I though I should tell you about it. We were told to be at the church at 8:45am to get all situated and be able to leave by 9. I admit we (Riley and I) did get there a little late but everyone was just waiting around so it wasn't that bad. The drive there was pretty boring! Everyone brought Ipods/MP3 players and it was just really quiet, but we got there pretty fast and we were actually early at the temple.

We got our suits and got all in white and then all the other YW started to arrive. The chapel was filled with YW and we had a little prayer meeting and then we started doing baptisms. I'm pretty sure we had way more YW than they were expecting and it took a long time to get all the girls through. Riley and I were the last ones to be done in our ward group, so we had to rush to get dressed because everyone was waiting to get lunch in the cafeteria.
After eating lunch we just hanged around outside the temple. We took some pictures and just talked while we waited for the boys to be done with their session. The boys did take a long time and what I’ve heard; they had the same problem as the girls did.

Finally we were all ready to go and it would about 4 by now.. i think. Ardis, our driver and Bro. Tracy still hadn't had any lunch so we stopped at in-and-out and got food. I decided that getting fries and a milk shake would be good, but I was very wrong. I felt so sick afterward that I really thought I might throw up; my least favorite thing to do but it was bad! Luckily CJ started texting me and I had something to distract me or it really would of been an awful drive. While talking to CJ, we realized that they were about 20 seconds ahead of us on the freeway, and because Bro. Moore is such a good driver and drives the speed limit we were able to catch up! It was lots of fun, and I have to say driving home was a lot better than driving there, even with a stomach ach.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Missing Sarah

Aww, I miss you Sarah! Schools starting pretty soon and i'm so worried to find my classes, without you right there with me! I found this pictures and it hit me how much we were two peas in a pod. What were we even doing before we both fell asleep..? Not only did you make the house more fun, here at home, but i never relized how much of the cleaning you did! i feel like i'm cleaning all the time now... Anyways i miss you a lot! Esepially at night when i'm all alone in the bedroom. I wont admit it to mom or anyone becuse she's bound to move someone in or boxes or something, but i miss talking your ear off at night. Whew! just make sure you stay far away from those handsome guys for me! I love you Sarah!!