Saturday, November 29, 2008

I love to Paintball!!

AWWWW! WOW, if you haven’t gone out paintballing I’m taking you right now! you are so missing out!! It’s the most adrenalin rushing, nerve wracking, scary, amazing, fun thing I’ve done my entire life! Today CJ, Me, Hannah, Dillon, Loren, Niki, Kacy, Bro. Moore, and Jacob were the only people I knew who went to red rock and paint balled for a big chunk of the day. Thank you, Thank you, to CJ for ever taking girls with him paint balling. CJ got so many welts!!! I didn’t like that at all….so painful! I can say they’re painful because I got quite a few of my own and he has ten times as many as I did.

Wow I can’t believe I did it. I was extremely nervous at the beginning, with knots in my stomach and everything, but after I felt how bad it was to get shot and actually got in the playing field it was better. My heart was still racing and I was breathing really fast at the end, while I was playing with Hannah but it was worth it. SO WORTH IT!!! I love paintballing and I can’t wait to go again.

I so got to get that gun at the Goodwill; i hope it's still there. I'll be sad if someone else got it.... we'll just have to see on Monday.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Things on my mind

haaaa, Wow I’m surprised I made it through this school week. It wasn't even a week, but it was hard for some reason. My teachers all knew that we were going to get a break and they had to cram 3 more quizzes, papers, and group presentations before we forgot everything. that's how it felt to me, and I’m glad it's over with!!!

I was excited to hear that i have an A in both Sign language and Writing!!! that was a surprise for me with both of them. I haven't asked my teachers in biology or math but....I’m pretty sure it's an A in bio…. almost positive. Math I’m not too sure..... if the hw counts as a lot then it could be!

Can you believe it 3 more weeks. I can't wait for it to be over, but at the same time I’m worried. Next semester is going to be harder and more stressful than this semester is. The classes get harder and on top of that I’m taking 5 classes instead of just 4. Two are going to be all online and that's why I was able to fit them all in.

I still haven't decided how long I’m going to stay at pima. i could get my a-jack ( I would be done after this next semester) or I could stay home and finish my associates and then take off and go somewhere. I need to go back in to my adviser and see how long it would be to get my associates....half of me says please be enough to stay for 1 more year at least and the other side of me says an associates from pima is nothing and I’m wasting my time when I could be getting a much better quality of school at BYUI.

I was talking to Kylee about it on Sunday and she said in her patriarchal Blessings it talks a lot about her schooling and it made me really want to get mine. I just have this feeling that I can do better. Maybe if I was reading more or stuff like that I would have a more precise prayer or more direction, I know it's probably not true like that, but it is to some extent, the more spiritual you are the more you can understand and realize. So for now on I have "Get prepared to get patriarchal Blessings " on my list of thing to do.

I am so excited for Christmas!!! I already have Christmas secrets and I’m dying to just give them!

Just some things that are on my mind but I should probably go help make dinner!
OHH one more thing! I get to go paintball on Saturday.....I am sooooo excited for that. I borrowed Aric's mask and it’s really big, and makes me look funny but I’ve been really wanting to go, and now I’m going!! I also have his gun, it wasn’t what I was expecting at all. The first thing that I noticed when Aric gave it to me was how heavy it is. I told him how am I going to run fast with this. It’s going to slow me down that’s for sure, and I don’t even know if the CO2 container is full. I really don’t know anything about any of it. Aric said CJ will explain/fix it, so that’s what I’m counting on, right now it’s just a whole bunch of pieces. I can't believe I’m going. Even if I do get big welts like Aric keeps on telling me, I know it’s going to be worth it.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Talk in Church

So I was assigned to give a talk today in church. Usually I’m studying and preparing for a talk a week ahead, but for this talk I prepared it the morning of, probably not the best idea, I know.

Let me start a little further back…Last night I was busy writing a paper for school on Monday, so I still hadn’t worked on my talk till this morning, like I said. So because I hadn’t got my talk done, I got up around 5:30. when my alarm went off, but I didn’t get up. I was so tired still form the sleepover Friday night. I kept on pushing the snooze and I didn’t really get out of bed until 6:30. I still had plenty of time to get my talk done so it was okay that I slept in a little.

Planning the talk was really easy, there’s so much good stuff to say about tithing, anyone could talk on tithing! This you might think is weird but whenever I have to give a talk I go out to the car and practice. It’s so much easier than trying to find a quiet place in the house. I can’t stand it when someone walks in on you and I get all embarrassed because I’m talking to myself.
Anyway I spent the morning in the car talking to myself and I thought the talk was pretty good after I wan done. I was worried about one thing, I didn’t think I was going to be able to remember all the good thoughts that I was going to share, because I had only planned it this morning, but guess what! it wasn't that bad, I felt like either throwing up or fainting while I was waiting through the song and the sacrament portion, but it was over pretty fast.

Oh before that because I had spent a lot of the morning planning my talk, I hadn’t started thinking about what I was going to wear! Haaa…. I can’t stand that part. so I asked Sarah to pick me out something that she thought looked good on me before. When I came back into the room she had pulled out a really old skirt that no one has worn in a really long time… then she said put on a green undershirt with our black shirt.
I totally was skeptical and didn’t even want to try it on, but actually the outfit looked pretty good, and I usually don’t say that bout what I wear, but it was good.

I don’t have to worry about them asking me for another 6 months. I did get quite a few compliments after sacrament meeting, that's a good sign, but everyone always says good job. So it could have been awful. I’m just glad it’s over!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Dad's Birthday

Yesterday was my Dad's Birthday!! We had a lot of fun going shopping in my well our little car (it's mostly sarah's for now, but she's leaving in a month) We went to LDS cottage and guess what! they're closing. it was so sad. all the people in there were just gloomy, but on the bright side of things everything in the store was 30% off! and well i took advantage of that and got myself a CTR ring. I really like it it's silver and elegant and i can't wait till i have my wedding ring, I'll admit i am VERY excited to get married in the temple and have KIDS that's all i want! AND a husband that is all mine that loves me. haaaa why can't time just go faster.

Girls Camp

Guess what!!!!! AWAWWW i'm not supposed to know this but i overheard my mom talking to bro Goobler and he wanted permission to call me as one of the head YCLs over girls camp!!! I am so excited. I've been wondering if they have already called the head YCLs and i would understand if they didn't ask me, but i want to be one soooo bad! Now i have he chance and i'm scared about it. I need to be so much better by the time camp comes around. all i can think about it how ASEWOME Hannah was last year, and how much i need to do to be just like her.
Anyway Bro Gooblers coming over today around 3-4ish and he's going to call me!! after i heard in my room i couldn't stop jumping around, it was very fun!

Quote Journal

I am so excited to start this little journal. My mom loves quotes and she’s kept a journal similar to this one when she was a teenager.

For “Family Home Evening” one night, Mom pulled out all her old journals (including her favorite quote journal). I loved them all! I loved them so much that I want to start this journal just like she did from now on.

I can’t wait to fill this journal full of quotes that I can memorize, and have help me when I’m not sure what to do.

More importantly though, I want my little girls and boys to be able to look at this little journal and know your mom thought about you all the time growing up. Even though I don’t remember your face I know your looking down on me watching my ever move. I can’t wait till I can bring you into this world. I already love you so so much and I can’t wait to hug and kiss you.

I don’t know you yet, but I know you’re a special little spirit waiting to be sent her to fulfill the last days, and I can’t wait. I hope this journal helps you through your life. I hope you will be just as inspired to keep records and write down your thoughts as I am by my mother.

First Blog!

Hey! this is the first time ever doing a blog! How exciting!!!