Sunday, May 6, 2012

Hey there friends and family!

Hey there friends and family! Just posting to let you all know what's going on in my life and how I’m doing! 
Lots of school stuff happening of course, but also some fun activities! 
This week I had an exam in my patho class, I have a project due on my nursing theorist, i had my care plans due as well as my 1st semester drug list due. It seemed like a lot to get done, and was, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. I don't want to say it, but I think it's been a lot easier for me to get all my work done with Erin and Jeremy and the kids gone. lol, I miss them a ton, but it was inspired for them to leave right when it's crunch time and finals and everything! So that’s all been going on with school.
 I had a huge spider in the bathroom on Sunday last week. It was bigger than I had seen ever and it was smart! Which scared me most of all. When I turned on the light it ran! It didn’t play dead or anything, it ran for behind the cabinets. I almost screamed and ran away myself, but I was the only one home and I knew I had to kill it all by myself. I went to go get something to squish it with and when I did it really ran away behind the sink. I was horrified that I wasn’t going to kill it and that I was going to be afraid the rest of the 2 weeks that Erin and Jeremy were gong that it might come out and get me! So I called Erin and told her what happened and asked if I could use the bug spray that we usually sprayed outside inside? And she said yes, and I sprayed it down the crack the spider had gone. Mauahaha, that big spider flew out and was acting drugged after just one spray. Thank goodness! Anyway, from that time on I always wear my shoes or turn on the lights before walking anywhere.
 I went to a dance last week…I'm not sure if I told you all about that, but I found a picture that someone had taken of me. Thought I would put it up to show you all how happy I am.
 As for friends and everything.. I went to a bonfire this Friday and it was super fun. I had never been to a bonfire before and was super excited to go. I wont say her name, but one of my good friends asked if she could come over and get ready with me after work. That made me even more excited about the night because I knew I was going to have a friend with me the whole time! So we start getting ready and we rush down to the institute where we were meeting everyone to carpool to where the bonfire was going to be (it ended up being out where the lava tubes are). So we were a little late and everyone had already decided who was riding with who and stuff so they just told us to get back in our car and follow. So my friend and I got back in the car and just followed the cars. I didn’t know it was going to be so far and I was close to being out of gas. I don’t let that worry me too much because my gas gauge on my car is almost always wrong. 
 We have fun singing songs and talking. Then when we find ourselves on the dirt roads everyone gets lost. No one knows where the bonfire is actually happening… so we turn around and around and around, and by this time I was completely lost and so were the pople in font of us. My gaslight had gone on, and to make things worse I was trying to talk to my classmate Jeannie on the phone. Lol, I was getting a little stressed and irritated that whoever planned this didn’t give anyone directions. But then I explain to Jeannie that I had to go and thankfully someone came down the road to help us find our way and we made it to the place that we were having our bonfire safely. The bonfire was hot and huge and fun to look at and that’s about it. lol the guys were being crazy jumping over it and stuff. Some of the guys went off-roading and were showing off with their big trucks which my friend did not enjoy because these specific guys used to be her boyfriends. Anyways long story short I was ready to go, and couldn’t find my friend anywhere. Then I find her and she had been off-roading with a guy and he had offered to take her home. So she ran up to me and asked if that was okay and of course I say yes, but I was actually really nervous about finding my way out of the forest and then the worry of running out of gas rushed through my head as well, but she either didn’t notice my worries or decided to ignore them and she went with her guy. It was just ironic that earlier that night she has been harping about how annoying these guys are with their tucks and then she’s in one of them doing the same thing. Ha ha.
 Anyway, that night I realized that I have to be tough enough to stand on my own two feet and not depend on a friend to be there standing next to me. Because if I do I’ll be let down a lot and I don’t want that to happen. So that’s what I learned Friday night. Oh, and I made it home without getting lost or running out of gas! Answer to my prayer!

There is so much to learn in this life. I never stop learning. Anyway this week has been a good one! I am glad that Tuesday I have two of my biggest finals because I am ready to be done with them! I am ready to be home. I am ready to not be alone! It’s no fun to be in a house all alone. Thank goodness I leave in the morning and don’t come back till its time to go to bed; or I really would have gone crazy!
Scott keeps me sane too! Don't you love that smile? He talks to me almost every day, and when we both have time we sometimes get on Skype. He makes me really happy!

Yep so I’m hoping to be home Friday! Or at least Saturday so I can be home for Mother’s day! By the way, have we planned anything for Mom? Let me know! See you all very soon!! Love you!


Rogers said...

What a great life for a wonderful girl! I've thought about you a lot while the rest of your family is off playing, it must be hard to be dependable. Love to see you this weekend!

Kyle said...

Hey, I had a feeling you should read this talk today. I don't think I have your correct email adress, hence this comment. I'll call later. Love you!

Or you can watch it here: