Sunday, January 29, 2012

Week of January the 22-29

My week was fantastic! I’m so glad to be one week closer to my goal; making it to this summer alive! Everyday I tell myself 6 times (Ms. Webb says your brain will start believing it after 6 times lol) “I am getting better at this everyday! I am getting better at understanding the questions, I am getting faster at reading all my chapter, and it’s going to be OK!” I also am so grateful for the Sabbath and that I do not have to think about school at all! I was talking with Amy and Becky, who are both in my nursing class, and they were saying how they were going to the library after sacrament meeting because they have so much reading to do. I was so proud of myself for working so hard yesterday to get everything on my list of “things to do” DONE! 

In lab we’ve been doing what sometimes seems to be pretty silly stuff, but it’s all necessary! Even looking up each other’s noses and making sure you can gag; which by the way, I don’t have a gag reflux! Amy stuck that tongue depressor in the back of my throat and I didn’t gag… we called Ms. Webb over and she said to touch my uvula and I still didn’t gag. Weird! We all did an ophthalmoscopic examination on each other. We looked at our optic discs and the red reflex from your retina. It was really cool to look through the ophthalmoscope. We found something else peculiar about me. My left eye (my bad eye) reflects a dark orange color not red. What does that mean?!?! Ms. Webb wasn’t sure but she’d never seen that before. We also used an otoscope to look in each other’s ears! This was my favorite part. You can actually see the eardrum or tympanic membrane and it was very cool. Some people had a ton of earwax or cerumen but my ears were very clean! I can now officially thank Scott for all the wet-willies he used to give me.  We got to check each other’s vision by performing the Snellen visual acuity test. That’s the one where you stand back 20 feet and have to read the letters. I didn’t do very well with that. I’m blinder than I think…  I also know a lot of techniques about using my penlight and what to check with it. It was all very fun! I think without lab, we would all die from the other stuff. This week, TOMORROW, we have to learn how to assets the heart and lungs, which means we all have to change into hospital gowns so we can appropriately hear or auscultate each other. It’s going to be great!

My other classes are going great! I passed our fist big test in basic nursing and I passed another pathophysiology test and my pharmacology test. Makes me think if it doesn’t get any harder than this, and I don’t get lazy, I can do it!
The bad part of this week was that all three tests were on the same day. Thursday! Oh what a sweet and sour day it was! It’s normally a long day because the classes are all back-to-back, but with tests in all three of them, it made it a lot worse. I couldn’t just relax and be happy to be done. I had to sneak out my notes for the next class and study. It was crazy! I was talking to Lindy and she says “sounds like finals week”.. Which makes me think what will finals week be like??!! I’ll die!! Ha ha, or be totally used to it by then! I know that’s going to happen a few more times this semester with tests in all 3 classes.

I did so well this week and I know it’s because Jeremy gave me a blessing! I was panicking before he gave me one and I am so thankful to have priesthood holders that are worthy to bless me to get through all this stuff. I am so thankful for him and his willingness.

I taught FHE for the first time this Monday. It went well and I was so thankful to my Mom for helping me think of Get-To-Know you games! I-sit and the bean game were so fun! Everyone enjoyed themselves I think and if they didn’t at least they had a lot of ice cream sandwiches for refreshments!

All I can say that was negative about this week was that I was almost was late to class Wednesday. Stinkin’ military time! 1300 is 1:00pm! Ms. Webb was so serious the first day. If you are late and have not called me, you are dropped! No questions, nothing. That morning I was feeling prompted to stop reading my textbook and check again that I had the right time, for my 2nd time, and that’s when I realized I needed to be there in 2 min. I panicked BIG time. I was throwing books around and stuffing stuff in my bad and giving Jeremy my phone to look up Ms. Webb’s phone number. Anyway, I ran out to the car and some how dropped my wallet, but Jeremy came running after me with it and my phone. I ended up making it just one or two minutes late, but she gave me a look I never want to see again, and told me to leave earlier! I am so glad I live so close to school or I would be home by now! Lol. I sat down with wet hair (I had taken a shower just a little bit before), with no paper, and with no pen or pencil. I had stuffed my purse, that was practically empty, in my backpack, which was practically empty and ran. Oh what a day. I thought for sure my planner said 1500 when I looked the first two times which I thought meant I could study till 2:30 and then leave for class at 3pm. Oh how wrong I was. Another negative thing is my tailbone is sooooo starting to hurt from sitting so much. Class all day is okay, but I sit in my bed and read and read. Those are the two and only bad things of the week and the three tests on Thursday, but still.  What a lucky girl I am!

Oh! One more thing I was so excited about! I found a really nice dirt trail to run on. I’ve been going for runs whenever I can squeeze one in because I sit so much and because I feel so much better after I get the endorphins flowing. I was fine running on the sidewalks around the house, but I live in Flagstaff. I’m on the mountain! So on Friday when I had a little more time I kept on going a little further than normal and found a dead end and a trial sign. I ran a little more and turned around and realized I was really in the woods now. I pulled out my phone and called Erin and told her where I had gone and how long until she should expect me to be back and then kept on running. I Loved it! It’s so beautiful and so refreshing.

Life is amazing and I’m learning so much!! I love you!! 

1 comment:

April R Rogers said...

I wish you all the luck in the world! I'm glad you have such a open mind and wonderful spirit. Good job with all of the hard work.