Sunday, January 22, 2012

Starting to Post Again!

Hello Everyone!!
I decided that since I’m away to school again I would pick up where I left off and start blogging again. 

To start out I’d like to say how much I missed being here with Erin and Jeremy! I love living here and I am so grateful that they are willing to let me stay!

I am also so blessed to be able to go to nursing school and learn so much. Yes, I am blessed to have gotten in and crazy to want to be in. Nurses know a lot huh?...and it's just hitting me this week that they expect me to learn and know all of that too! I did successfully finish my very first week of the nursing program and it was harder than I ever expected it to be. Everyday you get to class you start cramming in the information. I hit the floor running when i wake up and keep going till I go to bed. On top of such crazy classes they also pile on the reading and writing assignments, the quizzes, and skills to learn. It's all going well though; I got 100% on both my tests this past week, i was so happy!! It's going to be a hard journey, but I’ll be a nurse December 2013! That’s really not that far away, and I know it's going to fly by! 

Some things that I’m looking forward to are getting into the hospital when clinicals start up (3 weeks till we start). Before that happens we’re going to be practicing our skills and poking our fellow classmates and then I think we’re going to be doing IV’s and all this crazy stuff. It’s a lot of work but I get to learn all this really fun stuff!

As far as the institute program and my social life, it’s been kinda miniscule. I was nervous to get back to the swing of things and go meet all the new people at the institute, but I went to church last week and there were a lot of new people but some of my same old friends as well. I was planning on going to FHE and the Friday night activity of that week, but then with school I just decided to stay home. I was just lazy, honestly. This week I decided I was going to be better and really try to go to all the activities! Then at church I was called as the FHE coordinator so I don’t have a choice anymore! I’m grateful for the calling though. It makes me happy when I’m serving and feel needed again.

That’s pretty much all I can think to tell you about, but I’ll keep posting every Sunday and keep you updated! Love you all!! 

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