Sunday, January 25, 2009

Temple trip

Yesterday was our Stake Temple trip, and I though I should tell you about it. We were told to be at the church at 8:45am to get all situated and be able to leave by 9. I admit we (Riley and I) did get there a little late but everyone was just waiting around so it wasn't that bad. The drive there was pretty boring! Everyone brought Ipods/MP3 players and it was just really quiet, but we got there pretty fast and we were actually early at the temple.

We got our suits and got all in white and then all the other YW started to arrive. The chapel was filled with YW and we had a little prayer meeting and then we started doing baptisms. I'm pretty sure we had way more YW than they were expecting and it took a long time to get all the girls through. Riley and I were the last ones to be done in our ward group, so we had to rush to get dressed because everyone was waiting to get lunch in the cafeteria.
After eating lunch we just hanged around outside the temple. We took some pictures and just talked while we waited for the boys to be done with their session. The boys did take a long time and what I’ve heard; they had the same problem as the girls did.

Finally we were all ready to go and it would about 4 by now.. i think. Ardis, our driver and Bro. Tracy still hadn't had any lunch so we stopped at in-and-out and got food. I decided that getting fries and a milk shake would be good, but I was very wrong. I felt so sick afterward that I really thought I might throw up; my least favorite thing to do but it was bad! Luckily CJ started texting me and I had something to distract me or it really would of been an awful drive. While talking to CJ, we realized that they were about 20 seconds ahead of us on the freeway, and because Bro. Moore is such a good driver and drives the speed limit we were able to catch up! It was lots of fun, and I have to say driving home was a lot better than driving there, even with a stomach ach.


Erin'nJeremy said...

You need to tell me when you come up to the temple! Jeremy and I are planning on doing baptisms soon. It would be so neat to do them together!

Patsy said...

Yeah that would be awesome!! i also think it would be kinda hard to do it when it's our stake going up. we have to stay with the ward and eat together and stuff, but we should just plan a time and go without our ward!! I've never done that and i think it would be cool.