Sunday, February 26, 2012

Not much to say, but I'm still alive!

Wow this week has been yet another crazy one. I really can’t think of any new stories. I know there are tons but I’m just drawing a blank! Erin and Jeremy are gone to Mesa so I’m here at the house alone, but already have friends coming over on Tuesday night so don’t worry. I wont be too lonely with some friends and all the textbooks I got. Other than that…things are pretty normal. School is hard but rewarding when you do so well on tests. I love you all!! Have a fabulous week! 

OHHH and everyone pray for Dad!! I just talked to Mom this afternoon and he's had extremely high blood pressure reading! 120/80 is normal and he was at 180/110 which means rush him to the hospital here in nursing school. He's got an appointment on Tuesday to get some more medication, but just keep him in your prayers. 

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Hello Poppet!
I’m happy to say another week is done by!!! I passed all my test this week and I’m feeling good! we had our first day of clinicals at ponderosa pines and it was fun. Some excited thing that I learned about was how to pack a wound that’s tunneling. How to act when a lady has a seizure during breakfast. How to negotiate with pt’s. All sorts of things! It was a good day Friday from 6:30 to 3:30!

This week for FHE we went to brother Spawlding’s house and it was super fun! Very laid back with not a lot of structure, BUT we played telephone and it was hilarious!

Valentines day was fun! Lol I had classes, but Ms. Webb let us practice distributing meds using red hots and M&M’s. Erin and I also sat down and watched zoo keeper. We had a free redbox code for valentines day and we didn’t want it to go to waste… so I went to get The Help because everyone says it’s great, but it was out of stock so I picked the next descent movie on the list. Keep in mind it was snowing and freezing cold. Anyway the Zoo keeper movies was pretty horrific. Don’t watch it.

I also got to open my package from Scott on Valentines Day and he went over the top. Gave me a rose with a recording feature, a box of chocolates, a teddy bear, and the most beautiful card! I loved it all. It was nice to have someone you know loves you on Valentines Day. Even if we were super busy that day and we’re 4 hours away from each other. It was still nice.

SO we have 18 more days till I’m home for spring break! I can’t wait to see you all!!! Love you!

SO we have 18 more days till I’m home for spring break! I can’t wait to see you all!!! Love you! 

The Egg Trick

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Oh man, oh man!

Oh man, oh man! Goodbye to yet ANOTHER week! I love that they are going by so fast! I can’t even remember things that happened! What did I do this whole week? I know I had lots of tests… I remember teaching FHE.  okay okay, it’s all coming back!

So lets start with the beginning of the week. Monday! FHE went so well! I got to teach the lesson again, and I had previously decided to have just a fun night to gain a better friendship with everyone while playing the Wii, but then on Sunday they announced that our group would be meeting at Bro. Tying’s house. That’s why on Sunday night I was going crazy trying to think of an activity and a lesson that would be fun and interacting but also can be done in the living room of Bro Tyingi’s house. That’s when I got on Skype and asked Georgia to ask everyone at home if they had any ideas for FHE. Mom, how amazing she is, had the great idea of doing the egg trick. I had never seen it done before and was pretty sure I was not going to do that at the Tyingy’s house. Then I tried it a few times and how amazing; it worked every time!

Anyway, back to Monday night. After school was over and I had prepared my little lesson and collected everything I needed for the object lesson and activity I was running a little late. Once I got there we all packed into each other’s cars and headed to the Tyingy’s. Of course we get lost…and so does everyone else. Note to self, print maps the next time we have to go to someone’s house! Anyway we ended up getting there around 7:20 when they were expecting us to be there at 7:00, so I was a little stressed out over that fact, and because I WAS THE DRIVER WHO GOT US LOT. I thought for sure I had the address in my garmin, but I did after all. So we finally get there and the ice cream is melted and I have a broom in one hand and a pan of brownies in the other and a bag of puzzles and an old Pepsi bottle and yeah, I was a MESS! Once I got everything inside and got ready to start FHE I realized my phone was in the Red “I’m going to die” zone. I love my iphone, I really do, but it cannot hold a charge worth beans! Anyway, my lesson was ON my phone and that just added to my stress a little. So I started FHE as quickly as possible had a prayer and a song and stood up to teach the lesson. As soon as I got up in front of the 20 people you would think I would get more nervous, but the opposite happened. I calmed down and gave the lesson just as I had practiced! It was so good! I would have to say it was the best lesson I’ve ever given. I felt the spirit so strong and even got chocked up at the end, which never happens. It was so good! And no, my phone didn’t die until shortly after the lesson was over. Then to top it off I had the most amazing object lesson to share and you should have seen their faces. I explained that the broom was Heavenly father and with his help ANYTHING is possible. Even getting the egg, which is on top of the toilet paper roll and on top of a pie pan. Through all that into the glass of water. They didn’t believe me… but it worked and they all tried it several more times after. The brownies that Erin had made for me while I was at school were delicious. The night was great! A good success of the week!

Oh, when I went to buy the brownies for FHE I accidentally got Mocha brownies… ugg.. I didn’t look carefully I guess. I just grabbed the one that had the sale tag. Ha ha. Thank you Erin for having a backup for me!

Okay on to Tuesday! Tuesday was a good day. Full of tests and studying but I also had a wonderful institute lesson. Bro Moore is my institute teacher and he’s awesome. I never want to stay… because I’m so tired from the long school day and usually hungry too, but every time I stay I’m glad I do.

Wednesday. Just a normal lab day for me. I know how to insert a catheter into male and female patients. I also leaned how to put in a NG tube (nasogastric tube) up through the nose and down into the stomach. Crazy huh? I also got to touch all the needles we’ll shortly be sticking into each other and boy did I feel light headed. Don’t tell anyone because then no one will get close to me when I need to practice, but I admit, I still can’t even fathom jabbing this huge needle 1 1/2 inches into their arm. Intradermal shots are going to kill me. It’s got to hurt, it’s gotta hurt like crazy!

Okay Thursday, Long long killer of a day! I had classes back to back from 8am till 5pm. but then Friday I get a break. That’s what gets me through my tortuous Thursdays.

Friday, I got lost in the forest again! It was a awesome run! I was so worried about getting home safe that I ran for like 45min straight with no stops and didn’t feel tired at all while doing it. I was pretty tried when I got home. Anyway the story is that I decided to go running around 4:30 in the afternoon and started out like normal. Got one my amazing trails and ran and ran. Then I decided to follow the gas pipeline and just see where that went. On my way I ran into a lady that was walking the trail and I asked her where the trail ended up and she was so kind. She told me that it went all the way to 4th street and that I could get a map of all the trails and that Mt. Elden has a spring and a really pretty hike and all this stuff. After a little while of walking with her I was ready to run again and decided just to go all the way to 4th street like she had said. Well I kept on running and running and NEVER got to 4th street. I didn’t realize what kind of trouble I was in unitl Scott called me and we started talking and I was telling a story of something and then my phone ran out of batteries. That’s when my heart started to pound as I realized that I was on a trail in the mountains with no phone and the sun was setting. I panicked a little and started running faster to make it to 4th street. I was thinking about turning around but I had been running for so long that I knew I had to be getting close. I finally decided that I must have gone too far and turned off the trail and went down towards the city. Pretty soon after that I found a cabin and followed its driveway to a major street, then from that street to Linda vista and then back home after that. It was quite the adventure and I’ll be more careful about knowing where I’m going next time.

Saturday flew by! I couldn’t believe when it was over. I did go to the soup kitchen and serve for a few hours and that was so good! It’s amazing how happy service can make you. we fed over 200 homeless people and they were all so appreciative of us. Saturday we also had the sister missionaries over for dinner. They are such good ladies with such strong testimonies! I love being with them! Sisters Rock!

Well that’s about all! I got to get to bed because another week is starting!!! Love you!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Another Week!

Can you believe it’s been another week!?! Time is going so so fast!  

This week was crazy with school but I’m really getting better at it. Quizzes don’t phase me anymore, and Exams are manageable. It’s still hard when you have multiple tests on one day, but I’ve done it twice now, so it’s soon going to be something I’ve gotten used to as well. I really don’t have much to tell you about.. I had a boring and busy week. My weekend has been pretty good though. I didn’t do as much studying as I have been doing on Saturday (normally I do school work all day). I actually fell asleep reading my textbook and slept from 1pm till around 5pm. I couldn’t believe it, but OH how good I felt. I still feel great! I’m glad I caught up on some of my beauty sleep. “Patricia Baggie” as in “you have bags under your eyes” is not going to happen is I can do anything about it! Oh how terrible would that be!

Jeremy’s Birthday was this Friday, but we celebrated it on Wednesday because he had to work all Friday. It was super fun! I bought ice cream and got a Redbox movie. Rise of the planet of the Apes! Those monkeys were scary! Golly!

Anyway, my week has been fantamulaisious!! Hope yours has been too!! Oh, I counted how many days till I’ll be home for my spring break and it’s 32 more days! I am so excited!!