Sunday, December 2, 2012


Love it here with Erin and Jeremy

The hospital, new I was Mormon
Scott and the missionaries experiences
Teaching the lesson at church


What a great day!

Went to grandma and grandpas house!

Erin is such a hard working Mom!

I find this adorable! Who wouldn't?

New found love for the ukelele!

It all started with Josh!

Christmas has begun! We saw Santa!!

Went to Erin's ward Christmas party.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

The j's

So I was thinking. Maybe I need to stay away from guys with j's... Look at this!
Joshua wheeler
Jared mcCain
Jared Steimer
cJ Moore
Joey white
Jonathan spore
John micaffary
Josè Peńa
Justin power
JT rice
Jonathan Witherspoon

Soo I'm going out this Friday to winter formal with Austin! :) Austin Johnson! wish me luck! I'll need it because, get this... He's not off his mission yet. He'll be home 22 hours before we have a date. He's going to be so awkward, but his sister says he's given permission... It could be fun! I'm being optimistic! It's going to go great!

Cute outfits

I decided anytime I really like my outfit I'm just going to take a picture and save it. That way when I have to hurry and get ready I can just look and not have to use my brain. Ha ha. Sometimes my brain is so full because of all the studying it can fit any more information. Especially about what clothes I should wear. :)

What a weekend!

So this weekend was crazy! Friday I had my clinical at the hospital. Friday night Josh wheeler visited. He was on his way to Utah. Then Saturday I decided to hike Mt. Elden, and just my luck, it started snowing on me while I was still 4miles away from the house. It literally came on so fast. It was like a movie when the black clouds move in really fast... That's what happened! As soon as i started noticing the sun was gone behind some clouds, and my feet started getting really clod from hiking in the snow from the storm the day before, and then all the sudden a huge black cloud just rolled on top of me! I was in the clouds and i couldn't see the town or that far in front of me. Erin called (thank goodness i have my phone when i hike to use the app, "mapmyrun") and said she was rescue me once I hit pavement. BUT because it had snowed the trail, to get back to town, was covered up... Or I couldn't find it. So I'm hiking back and forth trying to find the passage way between two houses that let's you back on the streets... Well this nice lady saw me and asked If I was lost... Haha, I was so embarrassed and wet and muddy, but she let me go through her property and it turns out I over shot the trail by a long shot. Probably because I was running faster than I thought I was! :) that night we (erin, jeremy, and i! they found a babysitter! ) went to the adult session of stake conference and yeah... i almoat fell asleep.. it was 9pm before we got out but it was good. The talk from our stake president here in flagstaff was amazing! after the meeting we went to, "The village" and got some pie! chocolate peanut butter cup! so so good! then today, Sunday, we had stake conference. Amazing, and so spiritual for me. Josh came back tonight and had dinner with us but they say they only came for the body wash that kyler had left. Then after they left we played settlers and had some rocky road bluebell ice cream. I couldn't be happier! I'll be home this Saturday for thanksgiving!!! Can't wait! The pictures are from the hike before the weather turned and the other one was just so adorable! Erin and Julia together sleeping after church. Sweet sweet sweet!

You can see how awesome my run was here

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Apple Picking, Juice Making!

I may have already posted these pictures.... i don't remember... but here we are! Picking apples from the tree outback! We got a Lot of apples and what do we do with them?!?! 

WE JUICE THEM ALL! Frozen apple juice makes any gross green smoothie I make palatable! 

Erin wasn't too sure about all the worms we found in the apples though... kinda traumatizing for her... for real!
The sad end to this juicing story is the next morning after all the apples were juiced and either in the freezer or half was in the frig, Jeremy was redoing the kitchen and moved the refrigerator without taking the apple juice out!! thank goodness I put most of what I could fit in the freezer! ha ha it was a sticky mess for a long time after that! I still love you Jeremy!

Race Car Driving

I guess I'm kind of a tomboy because I LOVED driving race cars!
We went soooooooo fast and i still wanted more! gas pedal all the way to the floor!