Sunday, October 21, 2012

Apple Picking, Juice Making!

I may have already posted these pictures.... i don't remember... but here we are! Picking apples from the tree outback! We got a Lot of apples and what do we do with them?!?! 

WE JUICE THEM ALL! Frozen apple juice makes any gross green smoothie I make palatable! 

Erin wasn't too sure about all the worms we found in the apples though... kinda traumatizing for her... for real!
The sad end to this juicing story is the next morning after all the apples were juiced and either in the freezer or half was in the frig, Jeremy was redoing the kitchen and moved the refrigerator without taking the apple juice out!! thank goodness I put most of what I could fit in the freezer! ha ha it was a sticky mess for a long time after that! I still love you Jeremy!

Race Car Driving

I guess I'm kind of a tomboy because I LOVED driving race cars!
We went soooooooo fast and i still wanted more! gas pedal all the way to the floor!

Fun FUn and more FUN!!

Good morning from the Englers house! Aren't these the cutest most happy girls you have ever seen? and YES, I wake up to them just like that! 

Having mint oreo cookies makes them pretty happy campers! 

Kendra in my boots! 
After a long day of working on the kitchen I snapped this picture! Slap happy! I love them!! 

These are taken from where i go running! it's all so beautiful here in flagstaff. 

TIME for JOY SCHOOL!!! Erin amazes me everyday with her patience and kind words with the girls, but this group of kidos was a crazy bunch! 
Driving home from Flagstaff for conference! beaming with happiness! 
almost there! started seeing Tucson signs! 
Kendra is the best helper i've ever had in the kitchen! she can already crack eggs all by herself! 

Guess who won...! lol Sunday nights playing catan with Erin and Jeremy has got to be one of my favorite things of the week! 
Potty Training!!!! can you believe she's already ready? She did really good, went potty too many times if anything. 

and Erin, such a good Mom! I want to be just like here when I grow up!
Kneading kneading all we do is kneading! Making sour-dough bagels for the first time! Thank you Kimberly for my very own jar of starter! 

They came out looking amazing and tasted great! We will be eating bagels for a while though....we made a LOT! 

STUDY!!! hard core studying means you sit for hours and hours. I love school and everything that i'm learning. I really am going to be a great nurse! 
Guys! I am so happy! Life is amazing! 

Redoing the kitchen!

Jeremy is the MAN! he redid the kitchen! it looks great now! Here are the pictures that I took through the whole process! 
Day 1 (took out old stuff)

Day 2 (pulled the roof down)

Day....i don't know (got a new celling in!) 

Next day (got new cabnits in on the wall)

Next day (put on the granite countertops!) 

Long process and Jeremy worked so hard!