Monday, July 11, 2011

Highs and Lows

My week has had it’s ups and downs but over all it was a good week.
Guess who came to church?!? Jared and Amani (his fiancé)! I texted Jared and invited him this morning to go and surprisingly he was really excited about it. It was so good to see him AND for him to be really happy. Girls make boys change and I think Jared has changed a lot for Amani; in a good way. For example he opened her door and he was dressed nicely, he wasn’t the normal dirt under the fingernails Jared. He’s matured a lot from what I could tell, but I didn’t get to talk to him that much. Maybe this decision to get married will be just what Jared needs to realize the important things in life. I don’t know.. but we’re moving in the right direction! Maybe Amani will want to get baptized! Great things could happen! =) Staying positive here!

Boy though, I was nervous when the first speaker in sacrament started out by saying, “for those of you that have served your mission, keep serving! For those of you who haven’t gone, Go” and then the rest of church seemed to be themed on obedience. What can I say! It was meant for Jared to hear. I wonder what Amani thought of the whole thing. I’ll have to ask him. Anyway, answers to prayers that he came to church! Yay! That was a high of my week.

A low point was that I was told by an 8yr old, for the first time ever, that I’m a “jerk”. That was not a happy time. Man alive, I was floored. And all because I asked him to fold his clothes while I made dinner. The next day, to my surprise, he told me I was the best nanny ever (pretty sure Anne had something to do with that). With kids you never know what’s going to come out of their mouth.

I got the job as a caregiver. =) AND guess what I hear after the interview! That the son of the boss, who’s going to pima, and was there at the office when I had my interview, was “checking me out” (says Nicole, my coach that got me the job). Now I know why I was hired… whoopy…(roll eyes)

Anyway, I’m excited about that. I’ll stat training as a phlebotomist on August 15th. Super excited for that. Things are going SOOO well.

On July 21st we’re driving up to Idaho for Sarah’s graduation! I’m So glad I get be here, at home, to spend time with her before she leaves on her mission!

That’s pretty much everything that’s going on with me! Love you ALL!


Erin'nJeremy said...

Woah, Jared Stiemer? He's getting married?
I'm so glad things are going well for you and those boys better be nice to you.... Grrr. You're amazing Patricia!!!

Anonymous said...

Lol, never take the comments of a child seriously. I've been called everything from a witch to words that need to be bleeped out.

Where will you be working? Congrats on the new job!

Kim said...

Patricia, you most definitely are not a jerk! You're the nicest, most caring person I know! I bet that little boy was just having a bad day. Don't sweat it - I'm positive you're a great nanny!

Enjoy visiting Rexburg! It's really gorgeous this time of year. =) I had no idea Sarah was going on a mission! How exciting!