Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Cluffer Duffers On The Move

Wednesday morning comes and we’re all scrambling (like we always are bfore vacation) to finish up our laundry, pack our bags, get the bed up for Sarah, clean the house, go to the library, and whatever else Mom had on her long list of “things to do” before vacation. Dad had to go to work to “touch bases with George and we expected him back at around 3-3:30ish because we planned to be on the road by 4pm. So we’re getting things done, but still have plenty more to do when guess who walks in the door? DAD! It’s 11am and he’s ready to go! lol, then we all start running around and surprisingly get out of the house (a clean house I might add) by 1pm.
The drive to flagstaff is very familiar to me because I’ve driven it more then 4 times to get to school, but Dad still wouldn’t let me drive… that’s okay! The back of the van is always so much fun! Riley went crazy braiding my hair, I talked to lots of friends (texting), we waved at anyone who drove past. =) fun fun fun!

We arrived in Flagstaff around 5pm and stopped and picked up Papa Johns pizza for dinner! Yummy! Erin’s house is amazing and I had missed it so much! Jeremy was ready for a party and we had a blast! We got two new movies from red box: True Grit and Unknown. Erin even bought Klondix bars for us!!! She REALLY loves us! The unknown was a good movie but it had a weird ending. I was ready to go to bed after that but Jeremy was reday for more and wanted to turn on True grit! We all get settled in for bed with Mom and Dad were on the blow up bed, Riley and Georgia got the coaches, and I got my own bedroom in my own bed (Lucky me!!). Then they turn on the next movie! Jeremy’s crazy but so FUN! I can remember nights during the school semester when I was so stressed out with the HESI exam or homework from school and he would say, “Take a break! Watch a movie! Play Mario Bros on the play station with me!”

Friday morning it was very fun to wake up to Julia and Kendra once again. Everyone got up pretty soon after that and Jeremy had made wonderful egg burritos with bacon and a “pink” smoothie for us all. Then around 7:45am I take Jeremy to work at the hospital and drop my nursing application of with Patty herself (the nursing secretary at Coconino community college). Cross your finger they want me this time!!!

Not long after I get back to the house we’re on the move again. Packing up the car and heading to Salt Lake City. I have grown to love Utah! I have only been there 3 times but I have fallen in love with it. So beautiful! Just last October I went up to Salt lake city with Justin for General Conference so I felt like I knew my way a little bit.
We went over the dam. Heehee, made some dam jokes and took some good dam pictures! Then we stopped in a little town called quail creek for lunch. Dad has a hard time stopping but we finally found a rest area with quite nice bathrooms and a little picnic table under the shade of trees for lunch. After our pit stop we kept on driving all the way to salt lake city. Sometime during that drive Aunt Susie called to see how it was going and to tell us that they had tickets for a concert to see the band Journey that evening and that they wouldn’t be back until around 11pm. They had left the little kids with Tom Fife (who was making his way back to Arizona from BYUI).
Thanks to Tylers chalange Riley had the Rubiks cube the ENTIRE trip!! She can do the whole thing now!

Dad and Mom decided that we would stop and see temple square for the evening because Georgia had never been to Salt Lake City or seen the conference center or anything. It was so nice to park and just walk around. We went to the Joseph Smith memorial building and got to see a showing of the brand new movie Joseph smith the prophet of the restoration in one of their huge theaters. Amazing film!!! Amazing amazing amazing! You can’t help but cry!

After that we heard that we could go in and watch the tabernacle choir practice. We dash over there and just walk in and sit and listen to the Mormon tabernacle choir sing the battle hymn of the republic and other amazing songs! I felt so so lucky!! We are so blessed in the gospel and we don’t even realize!
Mom was sad to see the Tab choir was using a TelePrompTer!!!
After that it was around 9pm and it was still light outside! Crazy! We jump in the car and start heading to the Seelos house and plan to stop on the way for dinner but like I said before, Dad doesn’t like to stop and there is no going backwards. “It’s against the rules.” Thanks to In-N-out for having a huge sign we were able to see it and say “take the exit Dad” and got to eat there for dinner.

We finally get to the Seelos’s house and Tom, Ann, and John were still awake. We were just in time to watch the end of the 2nd National Treasures movie and even after that was over they still weren’t back from the concert! We all decided will just have to see them in the morning and get in bed and THEN they walk in the door. We all get up again and chat for a little bit about how amazing the concert was. Lucky ducks! Then we go to bed. Dad snores really loud!
Saturday morning Ann made yummy yummy French toasts for us! The Seelos’s have it made! Aunt Susie is amazing! 10 kids and she’s cool calm and collected! Mom and Aunt Susie talked all morning about grandma and grandpa and told us stories about growing up. Their house and backyard are so fun! We jumped on the trampoline, played 4-square at the park, had otter-pops, and had so much fun together. Then around 11pm we start on the road again to make it to Sarah’s graduation in Idaho!
whew! that's all i could get tonight Lindy! lol, i'll narrate the rest tomorrow, but i knew you would be looking! love you!

Mom just relaxin'
pushed a button on mom's i-phone and found that i was looking at my self!
Breakfast at the Seelos's means a lot of food!
Our last day with the Seelos's (Monday) we wok up early and made Eggs, Beccon, and CREPES!!
This is John! He almost makes breakfast ever morning and taught me how to make the crepes!


Erin'nJeremy said...

Hey, I read your blog too! Not just Lindy. I wish I could have gone with you all! It looks like so much fun. We're thinking we might come to Tucson in August...maybe.

Kyle said...

Thanks Patricia! I'm so glad someone took pictures. I wish I could have been there too. Love you!

Kyle said...

Im not sure I like the term "Cluffer Duffer"