Friday, June 3, 2011

What. A. Crazy. Day!

I knew it was going to be crazy, and last night I tossed and turned just thinking about it (didn’t fall asleep until after midnight). In my mind I couldn’t work out how I was going to get everything done. Normally I wouldn’t work for the Cavett’s on a Friday but come to find out, Anne did want me to work. I told her about my CNA test a while back but she had forgotten about it. My test started at 1pm (plus they said be there 20min early) and Anne said there was no way she was going to make it home from work that early.

Thankfully Riley said she would come to work with me and I would just leave for my test then come back. Simple simple, right?! BUT…it got way more complicated when Anne texted me and told me the boys were going to be at a karate camp until 12pm AND that I was supposed to pick them up there all the way on tanque verde right next to the kirk bear library. I’m SO worried that I wont be able to get the boys and get them home and THEN get to my test on time. On top of that, Connor has a private tutoring session with coach Steve at 4pm, Cayce has a play date with Ben at their house from 12-4pm and Riley has to be at an YCL meeting at 3pm at the Rustands house. A lot going on!

Riley and I decided to get the boys early from the camp (around 11:45am). That works out, we get the boys and we all get home by around 12:10 and then I rush off to the testing place all the way down Broadway (next to wings over Broadway! Yumm that sounds so good right now!) Anyway I get there and get checked in and I take my written test first. After the written test, I take my skills test. SO nerve-wracking! The skills I got were perineal care, dressing the bed-ridden patient, input, and isolation gown and gloves. Pretty easy stuff and I’ve practiced all of them a billion times but when I was told to perform them with my test proctor leaning over my shoulder I froze up, totally forgot all the steps, but I did managed to pull it together and I think I did okay… I’ll get my scores on Monday!!

After the entire test I rush back to work around 3:30pm. Poor Riley is so late and I can’t even take her to the Rustands because I have Ben over for a play-date and Connor is having his chess tutoring. So Riley calls mom and she comes and picks her up. Then I start doing all the chores around the house and try to think of something (SUPER Fast) I can make for dinner. Soon tutoring starts and Ben’s mom comes to pick him up. That’s when Ben’s mom says “I’ll see you guys again in about 45min.” I have no idea what she’s talking about and I text Anne and she’s forgotten about a birthday party that Cacey is supposed to go to. Anne says to have the boys all ready and dressed so they could go as soon as she got home.

Then a little later when I’m in the middle of making dinner she calls and says she’s not going to make it home in time. She asks me to take Connor to their grandma’s house. Pick up Ben (the friend). Go to target to get a present for Tyler the birthday boy. Then finally take them to the birthday party.

During all this I’m having my own little craziness. I started thinking about driving school (that i have to go to the next morning) and remember I needed to get a money order by tomorrow morning at 7:30am. I call Mom and panic when she says banks normally close at 5pm and don't open till around 9-10ish! Then I call the wells fargo in the fry’s plaza on 22nd because I thought they stayed open later than 5pm (which is what time it was right then) and I was right! Thank goodness they stayed open till 7pm because I wouldn’t of been able to get one otherwise.

Anyway, Anne asks me to do all this PLUS I have to get to fry’s and get my money order before 7pm when they close. So I rush the boys in the shower, I rush them to eat dinner, and I rush them out to the car. I take Connor to the grandma’s house. I pick up Ben and introduce myself to Ben’s Dad and he was a little anxious about me (someone he had never seen or met before) taking his son to a bowling alley for a birthday party. I explain that Anne got stuck at work and that I was their Nanny. He asked how old I was and “jokingly” asked to see some ID. Then he asks who’s staying with the boys and I (of course) say that I would be, even though Anne said to just drop the boys off. After the Dad feels comfortable with all the details and everything I rush the boys to Target, find a gift. Rush to fry’s, get my money order. Then Finally arrived at the bowling alley! It actually was Tucson bowling right next to the seminary building! (That part worked out great because it was right next to fry’s!)

The Boys start bowling and it’s quite fun cheering them on and giving them high-fives and stuff so it’s not a problem that Anne doesn’t show up until 7:45pm. The only thing was after that I still have to go back and switch cars because the next morning I had driving school. Once I get on the road again Dan calls me and asks what in the world is going on! “Where is everyone? Where the boys are? Why I’m still working at 8 o’clock at night? All these questions. Then I get to the Cavetts and find that, in my rush, I had forgotten to unload the clean dishes and put away the clean laundry and some other stuff so I still have some work to get done at the house. keep in mind I had very little time at the house since I was gone taking the test. I finally get done and get home around 9pm.

On top of all this, Emily has been wanting to do something with me and I canceled last time when we had something planned and I couldn’t cancel again so after I get home, change out of my scrubs, and eat some dinner, I head over to her house. It was nice to chat with Emily and have some girl time! I’m glad it went, but I just barely got home and it’s 11pm and I’m exhausted. What. A. Crazy. Day!

It was crazy, but I still know I am very blessed to have my job, as a nanny, and I do love my boys!


Kyle said... really need a raise.

Erin'nJeremy said...

Woah! I hope it's not always like that! You need at least some vacation time this summer!