Sunday, March 13, 2011

Julia and Kendra

My Nieces are getting SO Big! Just since i've been here, in Flagstaff, They've grown a ton! I love them SO SO much!!

My Testimony

Church was amazing today! My testimony is growing and growing. Sometimes I do wish that I could have some huge life changing experience that I could share with people, but the truth is I’m a girl who hasn’t been through a lot of trials. I’ve never had a close friend or family member die. I’ve never had a hard time believing in the gospel. I’ve never been hungry, alone, or homeless. I’ve never really been tested like some have been, but I still have such a strong testimony and relationship with my Heavenly Father. I know my savior lives. I know that he’s my big brother and that he died for me because he loved me so much. He loves me more than I can even comprehend; more than I can love him back. I know that he watches over me and knows my name, joys, fears, weaknesses, and exactly what I’m feeling all the time. I know that things that are happening in my life are not unnoticed and that I just have to trust in the lord that everything will fall into place. Mostly, I just need to make sure I’m willing to be wherever I’m needed! That’s just my testimony of my savior not to mention my love for Joseph Smith, the book of Mormon, Thomas S. Monson, the power of prayer, and everything else I know is true and that has become a vital part of my life. I’m so grateful that I know all that and I really am blessed so much! The gospel is so so true

First two dates here in Flagstaff

SO... I guess I could tell you about my, not one, but TWO dates. Heehee, So Thursday I went on a date with a guy named Elliot. We went off-roading! Lol, pretty much just driving on a dirt road, but it was fun. I was glad he wasn’t going all crazy because really I didn’t trust him enough to do all that crazy fast stuff.
That’s another thing! Have I told any of you my theory on guys and driving? You can defiantly tell a lot by a guy as soon as he picks you up and you drive off together. I was a little nervous with him driving. He wasn’t bad or anything, just a little impatient, switched lanes a lot, followed really close behind the car in front, and I’m sure some of it was nerves, I mean I was sitting in the front seat, lol Just kidding!! but still, I like it when I feel totally and completely safe with the guy driving. AND maybe that just comes with time, too. I don’t know, but my first impression of his driving that made me get my seatbelt on as fast as possibly was probably not the best first impression. Anyway! So we go off-roading, it was fine, really beautiful scenery to look at. Then we went to his apartment and made cookies and watched youtube videos. It was short and fun and I’m not complaining, It was nice to go on a date! I’m not going to lie.
Then he asks me to go out again on Saturday.. I was a little hesitant to say yes just because I didn’t know what he’s intentions were.. but after I talked to him more and felt fine about it I said yes. This date turned out to be weird. I don’t think he thought about it much.. he just assumed he could pick me up and it would all just be perfect, but it didn’t really happen that way. He got off of work at 7pm and he picked me up at 8pm and said he was starving and that we were going to go get dinner! Well it’s 8 and I already ate dinner with Erin and the girls, but of course I said “great” and didn’t tell him that. Then after he asked me if I was hungry he finds out that I had already eaten dinner and decided to just skip dinner and go to get ice cream. I felt bad because he had just said he was starving but because I had already eaten I ruined the plans. So then we go to Baskin Robbins and got some ice cream, and that’s all he had planned except for maybe driving up to Lowell Observatory and looking at the starts, which we did for a few minutes but it was all pretty awkward… and I know he was still hungry but he wouldn’t get something to eat with me so he decides to just take me home. So after 50min I was back home, lol. He’s very sweet but he’s actually not an RM I don’t think.. I think he just became active again.. so yeah. All I want to do now is get him on a mission! But yeah! Two dates in one week, I am on a role! Lol