Sunday, September 12, 2010

Football Game

On Saturday there was a NAU vs. ASU game in Mesa that Laray from my relief society in 1st ward decided we should go to! It was SOOO much fun!! Loved loved loved spending time with new girls and getting some real friends! There were 13 of us that went to the game but the five in all the pictures are the ones that I drove with. So we left the institute building at 1pm the game started at 7pm so we all decided to get some face paint and get all decked out to support NAU! We went to walgreens and the dollar tree and then finally we found some face paint at walmart!
Kelly did her hair in a Mohawk and it was amazing! Made me want to have short hair! Kelly and I got to be really close. I stayed at her house over the night and we had some good laughs and fun times together!
That’s Stephanie with the painted face. She is really cool! It took me awhile to get to know her and start talking with her but she use to be less active and now she’s coming to church since she moved to Flagstaff to go to school. She has a super cool story behind her.
Some would say I was chicken not to paint my whole face, but it was fun and that was enough paint for me =)
This is Kelly’s awesome MOHWAK and then she had some spray on hair paint, I didn’t even know you could do that!
This is Laray, the one who got everything together and bought the tickets for us! I love her and her example to me. She went on a mission and is graduating this year. She’s got it all figured out and I admire that about her!
It was funny how she was making faces, just like I do when I put make-up on.
This was my ticket!!! I was super excited to go to my very first college football game!
On our way to the BIG Game!

In the ASU parking lot. It cost us $20 to get a parking place, SO ridiculous!

So pretty!

Laray and Stephanie
We had a lot of fun together laughing about a cockroach and a golf cart honking. Random things that happened but we laughed for a long time! Hilarious!

We got these glow stick axes at the dollar tree when we were looking for face paint and they were really cool. Everyone was jealous that we had got them for so cheap and they were perfect because we’re the Lumberjacks

Every time ASU got a touchdown they would send off fireworks. Even thought it was bad when that happened because that meant we were just getting further behind I still managed to get a pretty awesome picture of one!

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