Sunday, September 12, 2010

Football Game

On Saturday there was a NAU vs. ASU game in Mesa that Laray from my relief society in 1st ward decided we should go to! It was SOOO much fun!! Loved loved loved spending time with new girls and getting some real friends! There were 13 of us that went to the game but the five in all the pictures are the ones that I drove with. So we left the institute building at 1pm the game started at 7pm so we all decided to get some face paint and get all decked out to support NAU! We went to walgreens and the dollar tree and then finally we found some face paint at walmart!
Kelly did her hair in a Mohawk and it was amazing! Made me want to have short hair! Kelly and I got to be really close. I stayed at her house over the night and we had some good laughs and fun times together!
That’s Stephanie with the painted face. She is really cool! It took me awhile to get to know her and start talking with her but she use to be less active and now she’s coming to church since she moved to Flagstaff to go to school. She has a super cool story behind her.
Some would say I was chicken not to paint my whole face, but it was fun and that was enough paint for me =)
This is Kelly’s awesome MOHWAK and then she had some spray on hair paint, I didn’t even know you could do that!
This is Laray, the one who got everything together and bought the tickets for us! I love her and her example to me. She went on a mission and is graduating this year. She’s got it all figured out and I admire that about her!
It was funny how she was making faces, just like I do when I put make-up on.
This was my ticket!!! I was super excited to go to my very first college football game!
On our way to the BIG Game!

In the ASU parking lot. It cost us $20 to get a parking place, SO ridiculous!

So pretty!

Laray and Stephanie
We had a lot of fun together laughing about a cockroach and a golf cart honking. Random things that happened but we laughed for a long time! Hilarious!

We got these glow stick axes at the dollar tree when we were looking for face paint and they were really cool. Everyone was jealous that we had got them for so cheap and they were perfect because we’re the Lumberjacks

Every time ASU got a touchdown they would send off fireworks. Even thought it was bad when that happened because that meant we were just getting further behind I still managed to get a pretty awesome picture of one!

The Week of My 19th Birthday!

Crazy that’s I’m getting old enough to have my birthday for a whole week!

I was excited for this birthday but it did sneak up on me. At home I normally would had my birthday list out to everyone and published if I could have. Heehee I’ve always been known for making the longest birthday list, and Christmas lists. I just love making list!

Anyway there was none of that this year. Time has been going super fast. The days are so full of new adventures that I’ll I’m trying to do is keep up with everything.

I’ll tell you the whole story!! Tuesday September 7th was a hard day for me. It started out with my first experience with rain! Leaving the house at 7:15 it was only sprinkling and I wasn’t even going to being a jacket. Thank goodness for my wonderful sister Erin, who said as I walked out you should bring a jacket. So I go back into my room to grab a jacket I didn’t think I would need, but I got one and ran out the door. On my way to the institute building it started to rain and by the time I got to the institute building it was pouring! The Tucson girls that I am I told myself it’ll pass, so I wait 2 min…6min…10min.. then I tell myself, “this is Flagstaff! This is not one of the monsoon storms that will be over as soon as it started.” So I put my jacket on and jumped out of the car. Unbenounced to me I had parked in a huge puddle; the whole parking lot was over flowing. Right then and there both my socks and shoes were totally wet. I ran to the bus stop and got pretty wet. I was worried my books were all getting wet, but I couldn’t do anything about it.

By the time I got to my workout class I was really wet, like I had just taken a shower wet and now I’m going to try to workout. It wasn’t pleasant, but I got through it and soon it was time for my Biology Lab.

Lab was pretty over whelming. We had our fist quiz that was a lot more in detailed than I thought it would be and I didn’t do it very well. Then for the rest of the class I was so down that I had not known so many of the answers. Then after that at 2:35 I had my Biology lecture that in this huge hall with maybe 200 students or more. After that class got out I had to rush (run) to the institute building on south campus all the way from North campus to get myself to Flagstaff Medical Center in time for volunteering. I got there about 15min late and then volunteered until 6pm.

After my long day I was very emotional, and ready to just do nothing. Then I walk the door and Erin and Jeremy have made a banner and got presents and a movie and Papa Johns Pizza! I was not expecting so much kindness and love and I just started crying. I don’t know if you’ve experienced that cry that is very unstoppable and loud and your laughing and then sobbing and you just have to let it out. Mom, Dad and Riley and Georgia have all witnessed several family prayers that I explode with tears for no specific reason other than I just have hormones out the wazoo! Anyway! Jeremy gave me a hug and I felt much better after the tears had come out.

We had a wonderful time after that eating pizza watching the davinci code and opening presents. Thank you Erin and Jeremy for the shampoo, the mattress comforter, the chocolate, the finger nail polish and all the love! I don’t know what I would of done if I hadn’t of had a family to come to. Anyway, it was a very fun night after a long day.

Wednesday I got a package!!! Yes, I got a birthday present in the mail form Justin! AWW he wrote the sweetest letter(s) and gave me some wonderful stuff. The thing I use the most is my new favorite water bottle. It’s purple and it’s leak proof! I don’t have to worry like I did with the other one that it would get things wet in my bag. Plus with my workout classes and walking all over campus I needed one!

So sweet of him to think and get what I really needed. Justin also made me a CD full of Sunday music is what I call it. It’s just spiritual wonderful songs. I listen to music like that while studying and falling asleep so I listen to it at least once a day normally more than that though. He also gave me some stationary for writing letters, granola bars for busy days, a picture frame for my room, gorgeous sheet music, and some really good chocolate!

That’s a lot huh? Yes, it was very fun to get!

Thanks so much Justin!

So that was Wednesday (Not even my birthday yet!)

Thursday Morning Mom and Dad called me! Made my morning wonderful! It sounds bad but I never though I would miss home, Mom and Dad, Riley and Georgia, as much as I do lately. So good to talk to them! Love you Mom and Dad!!

Then off to school! My day with school and volunteering was the same as on Tuesday only It was a good day! I got a call from Sarah and talked to her while I was at the institute building and over all I was just a really happy girl. Always smiling. Through out the day I thought I was going to get away with no one knowing it was my birthday, but I was wrong. The institute director, Bro. Leisek knew it was my birthday and said happy birthday to me as soon as I walked in the door and then the cat was out of the bag. Everyone knew and said happy birthday to me. Then when I went to the hospital there was a birthday card there waiting form me from all the staff members and the other volunteers too. I Felt so loved through the whole day!! Then I got home and we had brownies and ice cream; it was a terrific day! A terrific 19th Birthday!

Later that night I checked my e-mail and I had 57 unread messages. They were all facebook notifying me that people had written on my wall! 57! That’s a lot of friends saying happy birthday! Thanks so much for being a wonderful family and friends to me! Love you all!!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Ice Skating for FHE

I love my FHE group! There’s a lot of people and we always do really fun stuff!

For this in particular week we all decided we would go ice skating on Saturday instead of doing something on Monday night.

Well it turned out that Tyler and Sean were the only ones who showed up! Kinda a bummer that so many people didn’t come, but it was fun nonetheless!
Really great Guys!
The biggest bruse I’ve ever had because I fell down once on the ice! Ouch! And Gross!

After we were all sore from ice skating we decided to go get some ice cream! We went to a truck stop and they had huge cones for only a dollar! It was great!

The guys playing on the dinosaur

Crazy, Bad, Weather!

So…the weather got crazy in Flagstaff!
The HUGE hail when the tornados hit
This is the jacket that I bought when it started to get really cold. The jacket had the craziest hood! It was like a tunnel!
We had some good laughs about that!
Learning to dress warm by layering and thinking ahead was important! It didn’t take long for me! The first morning I tried to run out to the car and go didn’t happen because I had to scrap off an inch of snow on my windshield. Dressing warmly…I just learn to layer because in class it’s warm but then walking form class to class or waiting for the bus you’ll freeze!!